Heinl radio business letter (July-Dec 1932)

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DECISIONS OF THE FEDERAL RADIO COMISSION Applicat ions Grant ed WABI , First Universalist Society of Bangor, Me., grant¬ ed spec. auth. to operate from 3 to 5 p.ra. , Nov. 20; WJEJ , A.V. Tidmore, Hagerstown, Md. , granted license covering erection of new station, 1210 kc., 100 w. , daytime only; WMBG, Havens & Martin, Inc., Richmond, Va., granted license covering the in¬ stallation of new auxiliary and increase in power of aux. from 10 to 100 w., 1210 kc.; WHBF, Beardsley Specialty Co., Rock Island, Ill., granted consent to vol. assignment of license to the Rock Island Brdcstg. Co.; also KIDW, The Southwest Brdcstg. Co., Lamar, Colo., granted consent to vol. assignment of license to the Lamar Brdcstg. Co.; KGGF, Hugh J. Powell and Stanley Platz, d/b as Powell & Platz, Coffeyville, Fans., granted spec. auth. to operate from 8:15 to 9:15 p.m., CST, Nov. 23 and Dec. 28; and from 7:15 to 9:15 p.ra., CST, Nov. 24, Dec. 22, 27 and 29, 1932. WNAD to remain silent; V»RAM , Wilmington Radio Assn., Inc., Wilmington, N.C., granted auth. to remain silent for a period of two weeks, in order to overhaul equipment; WFAS, Westchester Brdcstg. Corp., White Plains, N.Y., granted auth. to operate Thurs. Nov. 24 from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. and Sat. Nov. 19 from 2:30 to 3 p.m., in order to broadcast football game; and WEEN, American Airways, Inc., Newark, N.J., granted temp, authority to communicate with Brown Chain aircraft. Brown Chain aircraft in vicinity of Newark authorized to com¬ municate with Green Chain station WEEN. To be used during emergency only; WGEG, Radiomarine Corp. of America, New York, granted 60 day auth. to operat eabroad vessel American Importer , as 1st and 3rd class, pending receipt of formal application. Amateur Licenses The Commission also granted 305 licenses for amateur stations, of which 13 were new, 272 renewals and 20 modifica¬ tions. Set For Hearing WPHR, WL3G, Inc., Petersburg, Va. , requests CP to move transmitter and studio to Richmond; install new eqpt., change freq. from 1200 to 1410 kc. , increase power from 100 w. night, 250 w. daytime, to 250 w. night, 500 w. daytime; and change hours of operation from unltd. to unltd. simultaneous operation daytime with '.THIS. (It is requested that WHIS be changed to a daytime station) facilities of 'HEX. New, XI, E. Dobbins & Maurice C. Coleman, d/b as ColemanDobbins Co., Atlanta, Ga., requests CP 890 kc., 250 w. night, 500 w. day, unltd. time (facilities of "'GST). -10