Heinl radio business letter (July-Dec 1934)

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7/27/34. Also the names and addresses of the 30 largest holders of each class of stock of such carrier and the amount of stock held by each; if such carrier is a subsidiary corporation, the name and address of the controlling or parent corporation, and if the controlling or parent corporation in turn is a subsidiary, the name and address of each corporation to and including that having final control. And finally the names and addresses of all persons or corporations under direct or indirect common control with such carrier, and the name and address of each person or corp¬ oration possessing such direct or indirect common control. The telegraph division granted the following new radio telegraph applitations : City of Jersey City, Dept, of Public Safety PortableMobile ( 12 applications ) construction permit (Exp. Gen. Exp.) frequencies 30100, 33100, 37100, 40100, 86000-400000, 401000 kc. , and above, power 4.5 watts; City of Wheaton, Wheaton, Ill,, C.P. (Gen. Exp.) 40100 kc. , 50 watts; Same ~ Portable-Mobile (2 appls) . same except 5 watts power; City of Springfield, Ohio, Police Dept., C.P. frequencies 30100, 33100, 37100, 401000, 86000-400000, 401000 kc. and above, 50 watts; Same Portable Mobile (10 appls), same except 9 watts; Radiophone Corp. of America Portable, C.P. 1614, 2398, 3492.5, 4797.5, 6425, 8655, 12862.5, 17310, 23100, 31600, 40600 kc., 100 watts. XXXXXXXX CHARGES MUSIC PUBLISHERS’ CODE ENTRENCHES MONOPOLY Charging that the Music Publishers' Code was written "to entrench the monopoly of the Music Publishers' Protective Association and the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers", Oswald F. Schuette, copyright advisor of the National Association of Broadcasters, presented the objections of the broadcasting industry to that code at the public NRA hearing before Deputy John E. Williams yesterday (Thursday, July 26). Mr. Schuette offered a series of amendments to the code. One of these would take from the Board of Directors of the Music Publishers Protective Association which presented the code the right to name the code authority for the popular music publish¬ ing industry. Another would forbid copyright contracts designed to hinder boradcasts of the works of independent composers and would prevent the beneficiaries of such contracts from, partici¬ pating in the code authority or in its selection. Another amendment provided that the immunity from the operation of the anti-trust laws, granted by Section 5 of the National Industrial Recovery Act, shall not be applicable to any practices of the Music Publishers Protective Association or the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers now under investigation by the government. -3