The history of three-color photography (1925)

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726 Index to Proper Names PAGE Havclock, R. E 101 Hay, A 293, 500 Hazura, K. & O. Hruza 15, 16 Heck, L 560 Heim 98 Hcise 280 Held, L 699 Heller, H 243 Helmholtz, H. von 7, 14, 15, 110 Helouis, J. & C. de Saint-Pere 367 Henlev, J 595 Henri, V 291 Henry, A. J 100 Henry, C. & J. Courtier 97 Henry, G 514 Herault, A. H. A. 615, 638, 646 Heraut, M 594 Herden, P 145, 332 Hering 37 Hernandez-Mejia 321, 640, 652, 653 Hero. J 432 Herve, M 581 Herz, A 361 Herzberg, J 679 Herzberg, L 586, 610 Herschel, A. S 679 Herschel, J 239 Herschel, W. ... 537, 679, 680 Hertzsprung, W 167 Herzsprung, E 291 Hesekiel, A . . . 327, 341, 342, 430, 440, 502 Hess, H 164, 557 Hess-Ives Corp 167, 343, 360, 387 Hetley & Co., J 538 Heuburger, J. K 155 Hewitt, C. H 440 Hewitt, E. R 430 Hewitt, J. H 285 Heydecker, W. A 562 Heyne, W 653 Hibbert, W 551 Hickey, W. H 596, 641 Hickman, K. C. D 98 Hiecke, R 439, 695 Higgins, C. M 585 Higgs, G 254 Higham. J. S 180, 586 Hilger, Ltd 103, 137 Hillert. W 143 Hilliard, F. M 680 Hinchley, J. W 503 Hinterberger, H .... 97, 101. 245, 341, 537, 580 Hirshberg, L. K 680 Hitchcock, R 503, 680 Hitchins, A. B 520 Hnatek. A 89, 587 Hochstetter. F. W. . 586, 612 Hochstetter & C. Pryce 612 Hodgman, C. D 91, 680 Hodgson, M. B. & R. B. Wilsey 103 Hoechst Farbwerke 48, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 78. 79, 99, 258. 281, 300, 396, 494, 577 Hofchen 284 Hoffmann. A 324 Hoffman, F. E 201 Hoffmann, M 145 Hofmann, A 143, 144, 147, 205, 683 Holam, Ltd 617 Holbrook, J. K. 101, 132, 208 Holbrook. J. K. & M. de Francisco 199 Holfert, M 144, 635 Hollborn, K 500 Holleben, K. von 385 Holliday 308 Hollins, C 285 Hollyer, F. T 44 PAGE Holmes, H. N. & D. H. Cameron 501 Hommel, A 651 Homolka, B. ... 304, 404, 405 Honore, C. H 150 Hood, W 88 Hoogewerf & van Dorp.. 256 Hopkins, M. C... 558, 585, 611 Hopwood & Foster 167, 613, 617 Hornhold, R 654 Horst, L. ... 198,200,478, 595 Hottenroth, H 386 Houdaille 64, 294, 534 Hourst, Le Comte 551 Houssin, A 149 Houzel 362 Howdill, C. B 503 Howell 653 Hruza, 0 15 Hruza & Hazura 59 Hiibl, A. von 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 28, 31, 37, 42, 43, 46, 48, 49, 57, 66, 69, 70, 72, 79, 91, 92. 94, 99, 100, 104, 215, 217, 219, 220, 221, 223, 228, 232, 233, 234, 235, 241, 243, 246, 247, 260, 264, 280, 281, 286, 287, 289, 293, 302, 305, 324, 344, 356, 360, 366, 377, 441, 451, 466, 468, 469, 470, 474, 504, 511, 518, 529, 532, 535, 542, 546, 562, 578, 581, 635, 651, 679, 683, 685, 690 Hudson, H 560 Hudson, W 488 Huebner, W. C. & C. Bleistein 502 Huet, H. L. & A. Dau bresse 585 Hume, W 679 Humphrey, R. O. & C. H. Friese-Greene 602 Humphrey, S. D 601 Hunt, Robt 96, 303, 367 Hunt, J 598 Hunt, J. R 649 Hupfauf 95 Hurter & Driffield 19, 222, 288 Husnik, J 285, 340, 360, 440, 525, 581, 679, 680 Husson, L. & A. F. Bornot 86, 162 Hutton. R. B 565 Hyde, H. N 632 Hyslop, W. H 250, 533 lea Gesellschaft 598 Idzerda, W. H 681 Ihrig. W 536 Ilford Co 262, 280 Imperial Dry Plate Co. . 300 International Color Co... 503 International ColorPhoto Co 552 International Moving Picture & Film Co. 648, 653 Isenmannn, R 403 Isensee, H. 193. 194, 209, 584 Itala-Film-Ing. Sciamen go & Pastrone 638 Ivatts 638 Ive, T 280 Ives, F. E. 3,12,13,17,26, 40, 43. 58, 98, 99, 100, 104, 112, 113. 114, 115, 121, 122, 123, 124, 132, 133, 139, 145, 146, 147, 148, 150, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 166, 183, 184, 193, 194, 207, 243, 244, 249, 251, 320, 321, 333, 340, 346. 350. 371. 374, 377, 387, 388, 403, 441, 450, 469, 473, 476, 478, 557, 591, 600, 632, 634, 641. 666. 674. 679, 683 Ives, H. E. . 674, 675, 679, 680 PAGE Jacobsen 275 Jacobsohn, R 580 Jaffe\ M 242 Jaiser, A 683 Janku, J. B 40, 683 Janovjak, F 199 Jarman, A. J 387 Jarry 241 Jeanne, G 44 Jeannett, X. & E. Man devillum 97 Jeanson, M 501 Jenkins, C. F 611 Jerne, H 620 T. M. J 579 Joe, J 418 Johannes 700 John, R 102, 355, 537 Johnson, B. A 592 Johnson, G. L 101, 679, 680, 683 Johnson, M 102 Johnson & Sons 101 Jolley, C. A 16 Joly, H 585, 587, 638, 645 Joly, J .... 18, 143, 457, 464, 473, 475, 489, 498, 503, 665, 675 Jonas, A 231, 233, 282 Jones, Chapman 163, 240, 251, 279, 537, 679, 680 Jones, C. F 633 Jones, L. A 43, 615 Jones, T. H 536 Jorelle, A. J 498 Josephson, E 620 Jos-Pe Farbenphoto Ge sell 687, 688 Jougla 561 Jourdain, P. E. B... 661, 679 Jourjon, J 638 Jousset, G 560 Jove, M 511 Joy, H. W 597, 616 Judge, F 133 Tudson, E 603 jumeaux, B 144, 589 Jumeaux, B. & W. N. L. Davidson . 412, 415, 588, 596 Jung 466 Jurz, J 104 Kaiserling, C 280, 341, 458, 679 Kaempfer 95, 203 Kalle & Co 308, 438 Kamei, E 192, 193 Kamei, G. K 342 Kaufhold, R 396 Kaufmann & Vonder wahl 284 Kauffmann, E 280 Kayser, H 56, 57, 243 K. D. B. Societe" .... 669, 670 Kein, W 537 Keller-Dorian, A 667 Kelley, W. V. D 375, 404, 413, 416, 587, 597, 602, 605, 607, 610, 611, 633, 641, 651, 653 Kelley Color Laboratory. 694 Kelley, W. V. D. & C H. Dunning 609, 610 Kelley, W. V. D. & J. Mason 647 Kelley, W. V. D. & C. Raleigh 616 Kelly, T. D 591 Kenah, A. V 503 Kennis, A. P 635 Kent, F. W. 403. 595, 631, 639 Kent, F. W. & T. P. Middleton 174, 176 Kent, Saville 679, 680 Kerotype Co 415 Kieser, K. ..224, 277, 283, 285, 286, 307, 316, 506, 683