Hollywood Studio Magazine (April 1967)

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enjoy STUDIO ever y month studio MAGAZINE FOR AND ABOUT PEOPLE IN THE INDUSTRY VOLUME 1 NO 12 APRIL,1967 BEHIND THE SCENES CONTENTS The Magazine for and about people in the Industry in San Fernando Valley. SUBSCRIPTION RATE one year only Mailing Address: Drawer M, Sherman Oaks NOW Telephone STate 9-9858 Name ___- Address_ City_ State___ □ SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO □ check or money order enclosed Mm HOW TO OBTAIN YOUR COPY OF W STUDIO MAGAZINE Studio Magazine may be found at the following locations: UNIVERSAL PHARMACY, 3799 Cahuenga Blvd. FRANK MORRIS PHARMACY, 10143 Riverside Dr. RUDY'S LIQUORS - Newsstand, 10153 Riverside Dr. BANK OF AMERICA, Universal City Branch or by Subscription 3.50 year. STUDIO TALK ...4 EDDIE THE KOP/6 ill Erwin .6 17th ANNUAL EDDIE AWARD DINNER/A//an Bode.7 GIRLS FRIDAY OF SHOWBIZ/Mabe/ De Cinces .8 DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH /Jim Dash .9 LITTLE NOTES FROM A BIG LOT.11 TIN TYPE /Oliver Emert-Mabel De Cinces .15 WHERE ARE THEY NOW?/ Jack Foley .16 INSIDE THE INDUSTRY/Mar/orie Sells .18 HANNA-BARBERA EXPANDS/John Michaeli . 19 FILM NEGATIVES FACE POSITIVE FUTURE/Fran Erwin .... 2 6 DISTINCTIVE DINING . 28 THE COVER 17th Annual "EDDIE" Awards Honor Film Editing Achievement. The American Cinema Editor's Plaques for outstanding achieve¬ ment has gained in importance and prestige each succeeding year. Two "EDDIES" are being presented, one for the best edited feature motion picture and one for the best edited television film and for the first time this year, a special ANNUAL AWARD for outstanding achievement in film-making. Winners are shown on cover. Nominees: "Fantastic Voyage," "Grand Prix," "The Professionals," "The Sand Pebbles," "Who's Afraid of- Virginia Woolf?" "Court of the Lion," "Day of Terror," "Fame Is the Name of the Game," "The All-American" and "The Camel's Nose." See story and credits on Page 7 Editor and Publisher: DOROTHY H. DENNY Art Director DOTI FIORELLO Advertising Director ALBERTA COWLES Contributors ALLAN BODE JACK FOLEY JOHN RINGO GRAHAM BILL ERWIN BEVERLY LOWE MABEL DE CINCES DAVE PRESTON Telephone STate 9-9858, ST 5-0401. STUDIO Magazine is published monthly for and "about the people who work in the Industry" by Valley Que Publishing Co. Advertising offices, 14006 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks. Mailing address: Drawer M, Sherman Oaks, California. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 year 3.50, 2 years 5.50. Deadline 15th of each month. Copyright 1966. CONTROLLED POSTAGE PAID, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90052 3