Hollywood Studio Magazine (April 1967)

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.^.uiure Tiiming^through the rest of this year. Universal is busiest. Producer Marvin Schwartz has signed Jim Nelson and Gene Corso of Edit-Rite Co. Inc. to do sound effects on the Batjac-Schwartz production "The War Wagon." The American Humane Assn.'s 17th An¬ nual PATSY awards program will be held on May 7, at the Devonshire Downs Fairgrounds James Van Heusen were given the honor of launching the wrecking process because Cahn’s and Van Heusen’s title song for Ross Hunt¬ er’s “Thoroughly Modern Millie,” in which Miss Lillie stars with Julie Andrews, Mary Tyler Moore, Carol Channing, James Fox and John Gav¬ in, was the last number to be record¬ ed on the 37-year-old stage. U.l. FILM EDITOR, Sam Waxman, and his charming bride, Miriam, were among the 700 film and TV Studio executives and crafts¬ men who recently attended the 35th anni¬ versary celebration of Ralph Green Motion Picture Catering, Inc. Sam and Miriam were greeted by Mrs. Green, a former Universal Studio employee. Hair driving you to distraction? TAKE ACTION! ^Call us today. 763-0921 MODERATE RATES Completely Redecorated Under New Management Le Motif Salon of Beauty I 10723 RIVERSIDE DRIVE NORTH HOLLYWOOD (TOLUCA LAKE) Next to National Auto Club Open 9 to 5 P.M. Tues. thru Sat. Evenings By Appointment Except Sat. ^iclciciciciclcl WHEN PLANNING TO FILM IN HAWAII... 2109 Kuhio Ave. Honolulu 936-422 Designated S.E.G. Agency in the Islands GREG KENDALL and Associates Inc. 24