Hollywood Studio Magazine (July 1969)

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923-6422 923-1075 2109 KUHIO AVE. HONOLULU, HAWAII 96815 Movies, TV Productions, National Commercials Caucasians, Hawaiians, Orientals, Eurasians Planning To Film In HAWAII? Contact- GREGG KENDALL & Associates, Inc. Casting Agency Designated S.E.G. Agency in the Islands GO UP UP rzru/ . DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR AND LINGERIE PRICED JUST RIGHT FOR YOU. SIZES 3-15 BANKAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE 30 DAY CHARGE 3429 W. MAGNOLIA BLVD. BURBANK HOURS: 9:30 to 6 p.m. Friday Till 9 p.m. - VI 9-4976 SHEAR PLEASURE BARBER SHOP 10212 Riverside Dr. TOLUCA LAKE For Appointment Call 769-4114 MANICURES SHOE SHINES WHEN THE CAMERA MAN SAID "CUT." That's Eleanor Rodriguez and her. customer, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., who won't let anybody else touch a hair of his head. _ ELEANOR RODRIGUEZ, BEV¬ ERLY WADE, JOAN ALLEN, JEAN BRA UN, WANDA WOLF- SON, MANICURIST CATHIE SMITH, POLISH ENGINEER REED CHEN AULT. j* ■ ■■ m m HJ| AAA Meetings Every Wed. Eve. Li* i^ || L I I wl “Your Key to Good Health ” TREATMENT AND REHABIUTATION CENTER Established For Many Years 24-HOUR SERVICE OPEN MEDICAL STAFF LATEST PROVEN METHODS * REGISTERED NURSING SUPERVISION A Separate Distinct Building With Privacy * Your Problem Kept Strictly Confidential NORTH HOLLYWOOD LODGE and SANITARIUM 763-4338 984-0790 From L.A. phones 877-4454 12003 Riverside Drive North Hollywood