Hollywood Studio Magazine (September 1969)

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HOLLYWOOD STUDIO MAGAZINE IS DISTRIBUTED AT THE FOLLOWING STUDIOS .. COLUMBIA RANCH COLUMBIA STUDIOS HANNA BARBER A STUDIOS ALDRICH STUDIOS UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS C B S. STUDIOS N.B.C. STUDIOS A B C. STUDIOS PARA MOUNT STUDIOS M.G.M. STUDIO TOURS M. G.M. STUDIOS WARNER BROS. SEVEN ARTS 20th CENTURY FOX N. B.C. STUDIO TOURS HOLLYWOOD STUDIO MAGAZINE FOR AND ABOUT PEOPLE IN THE INDUSTRY SEPTEMBER, 1969 VOLyME 4 NO. 5 COVER In Hollywood, few photographer’s are better known than George Hurrell, who has made a career out of photographing beautiful women. This months cover features Jean Harlow, blond super star of the 1930’s, in a classic Hurrell pose. Most of the stars have changed, some have died and others have faded from the limelight since he began. But the man who captured most of the stars on film is still busy. Hurrell has no plans for retirement. He is too busy photographing women like Raquel Welch, and Elizabeth Taylor. With subjects like that, who needs Palm Springs and a rocking chair? CONTENTS GEORGE HURRELL 4 ON SHOOTING THE STARS Napoleon Boz THE LUNCH HOUR MOVIE 6 John Michaeli BILL LIGANTE TRIAL ARTIST FOR SIRHAN SIRHAN 9 Bill Ligante SAN FERNANDO VALLEY’S 14 ANNUAL FAIR SEPT. 3-7 STARDOM THE HARD WAY 1A MELODIE JOHNSON ... 4A RABBIT RUN EYE ON HOLLYWOOD 23 PUBLISHER: STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER DOROTHY DENNY JERR Y STRICKLIN WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS CINEMA CENTER CIIDCPDIDC Mailing Address: OUDObmljL Drpwer M Sherman Oaks NllW California 91413 l"UH STatfi 9-9RS8 enjoy STUDIO ever y month SUBSCRIPTION RATE one year only Address_ City _ EDITOR FRANK TA YLOR ART DIRECTOR DOTIFIORELLO ADVERTISING ADverthing A ssoc. GRAPHICS by VALLEY GRAPHICS CONTRIBUTORS: Bea Colgan, Rose Robinson, Francesca Dorsey, Napoleon Boz, Myrtle Gilroy, Fran Erwin, Florence Mack, Arlette Goodseli, Betty Hooten, Mike Broggie, John Michaeli, John Ringo Graham. STUDIO MAGAZINE for and about People in the Industry is published monthly at 14006 Ventura Blvd., Suite 206, Sherman Oaks, California 91413. Mailing address: P.O. Box M, Sherman Oaks, California 91403. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 40c per copy. 1 year $3.50, 2 years $5.50. Deadline 15th of each month. Copyright 1966. STate 9-9858 CONTROLLED CIRCULATION POSTAGE PAID, VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91508. All rights reserved. Page 3