Hollywood Studio Magazine (May 1970)

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QUICK CONFERENCE - Actor Robert Blake and Polonsky chat about “Tell Them* Willie Boy Is Here” while on location in the desert near Banning, California. Hollywood to do work on the screenplay. This was followed by “Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here.” In talking about his film, Polonsky says, “Our film is based on an historical incident researched in a book by Harry Lawton. Our protagonist is an Indian, living near Riverside, California, in 1909, who opposes the Establishment and is drafted by a crazy adventure that re-creates his life.” As he continued in a thoughtful mood, Polonsky said, “I wanted to do a story that would examine in depth how a man’s identity could be hidden from him by an unsympathetic society”. Many people have found parallels between the plight of Polonsky and his fellow artists in the 1950 Hollywood purges and the flight of “Willie Boy” from a society bent on destroying him. The writer-director is worried about a new period of “Big Brother” in the form of computers which have stored the names of millions of American’s who have protested certain traditions in government and society. Polonsky wonders if this might not become a giant blacklist which could create even more havoc among the nations population than •Senator McCarthy’s vendetta. In a small way, he hopes to show people with his film what can happen to a member of society who is singled out for persecution and hounded to the ground by “law abiding citizens.” Abraham Lincoln Polonsky knows what happens, he hasn’t been able to forget the period when his pen was struck from his hand and his own name became a hiss and a byword. He only hopes it never happens to anyone else. NEW DURABLE EXCITING IDEAL FOR EXTRA SEATING SPACE IN THE HOME.PATIO, BEACHES AND BOATS— There’s a man in Van Nuys who makes wonderful things out of canvas National Canvas Products Association Award Winner in the US. Canada and 13 Foreign Countries. UNUSUAL DESIGNS & themes for home or Commercial installation our specialty. Free consultation services call will bring one of our design experts to you. Van Nuys Awning Company, Inc. Established in Van Nuys since 1918 6160 Van Nuys Blvd. VAN NUYS 782-8607 for estimates. 5A