Hollywood Studio Magazine (April 1971)

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Where else but in Hollywood Studio Magazine can you get such colprful reporting on the entertainment world the way it was ... the people in it and where they might possibly be today? Only\n Hollywood Studio Magazine. So, SUBSCRIBE TODAY. NOW! Just fill in the handy coupon below, attach your check or money order for $4.00 (1 year's subscription) and mail, to: Hollywood Studio Magazine .Drawer M, Sherman Oaks, Calif. 91413 Name ---- Address_ City - Zip --- Enclosed find my check for $4.00 for 1 year's subscription to Hollywood Studio Magazine Please bill me for $4.00for 1 year's subscription APRIL 1971 VOLUME 5 NO. 12 ON THE COVER Greek film star Melina Mecouri and friend (Man-About-Town Lee Graham). Her performance in "Promise at Dawn" was bypassed by Academy members in the battle for Oscar awards. Mecouri visited L.A. briefly on a whirlwind tour of the U.S. before returning to her home in France. SPECIAL FEATURES; NANCY WIBLE - OFF CAMERA VOICE . 4 TAKE IT FROM THE TOP .5 Zelda Cini covers the Oscar Awards FOR CLASSIC FILM BUFFS . 8 Four pages of Memorabilia. Discourse . Mellete and Packer - "Rapping with Red" ON THE SCENE - MOVIE REVIEWS .3 GC Jack Ong's monthly coverage of new movies. MAN ABOUT TOWN . 23 Lee Graham tells about the Melina Mercouri Soiree BEA COLGAN'S STUDIO INSIDETRACK . 27 Behind the Scenes EXHIBITSSELL A MOVIE . 29 Frank Taylor tells about touting for Ryan's Daughter PUBLISHER/MANAGING EDITOR EDITOR Dorothy H. Denny Zelda Cini CONTRIBUTING EDITORS; Frank Taylor, Teet Carle, Ayalita Cross, Bill Erwin art DIRECTOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Doti Fiorello Frances Kennon DEADLINES: Editorial copy: 5th of each month preceeding cover date Advertising copy & art: 10th of each month preceeding cover date HOLLYWOOD STUDIO MAGAZINE is published monthly at 14006 Ventura Blvd., Suite 202, Sherman Oaks, California 91413. Mailing address: P.O. Box M, Sherman Oaks, Calif 91403 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 year $4.00 2 years$7.00 Since 1966. All rights reserved. STate 9-9858 (exch.),. direct line — 789-6773. CONTROLLED CIRCULATION POSTAGE PAID. Sherman Oaks, CALIF.91403. 3