Hollywood Studio Magazine (April 1971)

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• WHAT-HAVE-YOir Scavenger s Paradise Antiques BUY — RENT — SELL — SWAP USED FURNITURE • MARBLE 3731- 35 CAHUENGA WEST TR. 7-7945 f^fY OR. Ho lC£Yj I YfAKTA TAlkTo Mr DADSHTen!* WE HAD AN INVITATION While on the subject of films, there's a company called "Graffitti Productions" which specializes in sex flicks. Latest epoch seems to be "Harlot", which is about as plain-talking as you can get, and it was "pre-premiered" for the press in mid-March. With champagne. Way back in December, Bill Osco, who owns Graffitti, was editing a film with a working title "High School Hooker" and planned to start "Flesh Gordin". "Harlot" could be either, or both together. We weren't thirsty. We missed the premier. Interestingly enough, Osco not only predicts the ultimate demise of current skin flicks, (heck, nothing is forever), but he adds that only hardcore pornography will be commercial. He should know. His quickies grossed over $2,000,000 last year. While shooting, he pays most performers $75 per day, although a "star" may make $125 a day for a three-day stint. However, once you've done it, you've had it. He never uses the same player twice. Short attention-span? ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE SITUATION With all due honors to Newsletter, monthly publication for members of the Writers Guild of America/west, we quote, exactly: "Will Gould reports that this story conference took place on Feb. 8: Writer: We open on an earthquake, see? Somewhere in the middle, we got these three guys coming back from the moon. Now for a powerful close, we wind up with a total eclipse. Great, eh? Producer: OUT!" *** FASCINATING TIDBITS According to a recent announcement, the "moompitcher" Academy, continually on the receiving end of historical material involving the film industry, recently hit the jackpot with a genuine curiosity — a recording of "Kashmir Love Song" made by Rudolph Valentino on May 14, 1923. On the other hand, Barbara Merlin contributed 42 oversize stills from the Mirisch Co. publicity department. Well, where else she could get them filed for her? *** BRANDED BEEF - ON THE HOOF Disney Studios did it. They branded a 6