Hollywood Studio Magazine (April 1971)

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m ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SILENT STARS OF YESTERYEAR LEW CODY (1884-1934) was born Louis Joseph Cote, made his debut in films as "Comrade John" in 1915. A typical romantic leading man of the silent era, Cody was the epitome of "suave and debonair", carried the movie roles over into his personal life. One of his last films — "I Love That Man”, made in 1933. *** COMING: MAY ISSUE... EARLE CARROLL-PREMIERE SHOWMAN..More old time photos from private collections. Movie Museums Where the Collections are: MOVIE WORLD CARS AND PLANES 6900 Orangethorp Ave., Buena Pk. 90260. (213)523-1520 AMERICAN HISTORICAL MUSEUM 4013 W. Magnolia, Burbank 91505. (213) 843-9045 MOVIELAND OF THE AIR Orange County Airport 92707. (714) 545-5021 BRIGGS-CUNNINGHAM AUTO MUSEUM 250 E. Baker, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627. (714) 546-7660 MOVIELAND WAX MUSEUM & PALACE OF LIVING ART 7711 Beach Blvd., Buena Pk. 90620. (714) 628-6967 HELMS HALL (SPORTS & OLYMPIC EXHIBITS) 8760 Venice Blvd., L.A. 90034. (213) 870-3484 L.A. COUNTY MUSEUM MOVIELAND EXHIBITS ON HISTORY Los Angeles, Calif. PASADENA MUSEUM OF ARTS Pasadena, Calif. MUSEUM OF MODERN ART 52nd East. N.Y. MUSEUM OF PERFORMING ARTS N.Y. GEORGE EASTMAN HOUSE LIBRARY Rochester, N.Y. ANTHROPOLOGY FILM ARCHIVES N.Y. HOLLYWOOD WAX MUSEUM 6767 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CaUf. PACIFIC FILM ARCHIVES Univ. of Calif. Berkeley, Ca. UNIVERSAL STUDIO TOURS Collection of Memorabilia, Universal City, Calif. ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE & SCIENCES 9038 Melrose Ave., HoUywood, Calif. 90069 HOLLYWOOD HALL OF FAME (soon to open) 7021 Hollywood Blvd., HoUywood (213) 463-1141 AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE Film and Book Library. “Greystone” - Beverly HiUs AMER. SOQETY CINEMATOGRAPHERS 1782 N. Orange Drive, L.A. HOLLYWOOD FIRST FEDERAL Monthly Silent Film programs, CoUection, and exhibits. HoUywood Blvd. & Highland. UNIV. OF SO. CALIF. FILM DEPT. Gigantic coUection movie memorabilia - L.A. UCLA Film Library - Westwood ViUage, LA 90025. For Tbe Classic Film Buff ■ STUDIO Magazine innovates a direct appeal to classic film fans - and to collectors of movie memorabilia. We have a new editorial department and a new classified section especially for movie hobbyists. We'll be running feature stories on the "big ones" of the old days, along with actual size reproductions of autographed photos of the stars of the 20's and 30's. If you express interest, we'll set up a Letters Column, where you can exchange data with other readers, ask questions and, hopefully, get answers. Pass the word along. * 9