Hollywood (Jan - Oct 1934)

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./i vi ; 33 Mrs. Bradley's famous preparation removes moth, tan, freckles, pimples . . . gives you new, soft, white skin, free from oiliness. Over 40 years of growing patronage. 1 pkg. 25c, 3 for 50c; by mail. Money-back guarantee. Agents Wanted. MRS. C. S. K-5108 Chowen Ave. BRADLEY Minneapolis, Minn. QUESTIONS ANSWERED with each Reading <JL Success ? . . Happiness ? . . Riches ? — ** What does the future hold for you '..Let YOGAR, radio's uncanny Astrologist. guide you wisely! Obtain his new, giant 8,000 word Astrological Forecast and day to day guide to Success and Happiness. His Character Analysis predicts by exact days, dates and months events to come, based on your Zodiacal siun. BE SAFEI. . Consult it before making business deals, signing papers, seeking new job, and in regard to love, marriage, accidents, investments, friends, enemies, lucky and unlucky days, etc. SPECIAI.l-YOGAR will also answer. any 3 questions on any subject, with the purchase of his Astrological Forecast. Send SI bill with your name, address, birthdate and 3 questions. FREE Lucky Buddha Charm included if you act now 1 Money back if not exactly as represented. Write today. YOGAR, 43 E. Ohio St., Depl. F-15, Chicago The Lowdown on Bing Crosby by his brother LARRY CROSBY Things you never knew before about Bing Crosby, revealed for the first time by the older brother who watched him grow into radio's leading crooner. WALTER WINCHELLS Radio Orchids and Scallions Radio undergoes a searching scrutiny at the hands of Broadway's famous columnist, one of the shrewdest tal.entpickers of all time. Don't miss this big feature of the June RADIOLAND Dozens of other big stories in this same issue — "W here Do Those Huge Radio Salaries Go?", Rudy Vallee's own analysis of recent song hits, personality stories on Phil Baker. Wayne King, Rubinoff, Vivien Ruth — pictures and stories on scores of your radio favorites — a great radio serial by Nina Wilcox Putnam — pages of intimate behind-the-scenes gossip on the stars — altogether, the biggest ten cents' worth of sparkling radio news you'll find on any newsstand. Hot From Hollywood 10c Now On Sale At All Newsstands Continued froni page twenty-nine Deaths Mary Filbin's mother succumbed to a heart attack . . . Fay Webb's paternal grandmother passed on at 80 . . . Jackie Coogan's uncle, J. C. Dolliver, died in Frisco, where he operated a chain of theatres . . . Lilyan Tashman died in New York at thirty -four. Financial Ricardo Cortez has incorporated himself as Zetroc, Inc., to angel the Broadway production of Shoestring, a crook drama . . . Uncle Sam has clamped down on Jean Harlow, Carmel Myers, Greta Nissen, Eleanor Boardman and Eric von Stroheim for back income taxes . . . Jean tops the list with $2,654 in arrears . . . Stephin Fetchit got a salary advance and paid off a $1,404 claim by an ex-landlord while court attaches were seeking him on a bench warrant . . . Conway Tearle owns no real estate and his $1,500 weekly salary is under attachment, he testified while appearing as a judgment debtor in an action brought by the executors of his late ex-wife's estate to collect $10,000 in back alimony . . . Glenda Farrell is digging into her bank account for the purchase of a San Fernando Valley ranch on which she intends to park her son, Tommy, and her Dad . . . the scheme to restore Jackie Coogan and Clara Kimball Young to the screen via a series of two-reelers has ended in the courts, with Director Eddie Cline and some of the players suing for their unpaid salaries . . . Adolphe Menjou bought a gold mine for speculation, but he's holding up it's operation because equipment will cost him $25,000, and Adolphe doesn't spend that kind of money without serious thought . . . Stuart Erwin and June Collyer have proved blessings to a crowd of artisans . . . Stu hired builders and decorators to restore one room that had been damaged by flames and ended up by having them rebuild the entire manor. Crime Lila Lee was robbed of jewels valued ' at $12,000 by an ex-chauffeur, but she didn't know it until detectives picked up the Negro in a pawn shop where he was trying to dispose of the loot . . . Sanford Roth, an actor, was arrested on charges of brutally beating Bessie Silver, an actress, while partying in a beer garden . . . Leniency pleas by Will Rogers and Walter Winchell failed to move Judge Wilbur Curtis when 25-year-old William Tannen was brought before him on drunk driving charges . . . and the scion of the famous vaudevillian, Julius Tannen, was held for trial . . . burglars looted Nacio Herb Brown's home and fled with furs and jewels appraised at $5,000. Courts Producer Sol Lesser has asked the courts to decide whether Harold Bell Wright sold him all screen rights or merely the silent privileges on Wright's novel, When A Man's A Man . . . Harold Bell wants an extra fee for the talkie concession . . . Russ Columbo took time off from his romancing to sue Rusco Enter prises, Inc., for $11,452, a counter action, the corporation having brought action to collect $60,000 from him ... the United States Circuit Court of Appeals denied John and Dolores Barrymore's priority in their efforts to collect $154,000 they invested in the now-defunct Guaranty Building and Loan Association. Science Ann Dvorak has dropped her study of • bacteriology in favor of piano lessons . . . Margaret Lindsay is recuperating after parting with her appendix . . . Eva Tanguay, long threatened by blindness, is submitting to an operation in hopes of saving her sight ... a method of more accurately controlling the tiny electrical particles has been found, with the result that silversheet kisses no longer will sound like the popping of a pistol . . . Lew Ayres will shortly begin the syndication of a newspaper column dealing with astronomy, a subject that ranks second only to Ginger Rogers in his affections . . . the oxygen cage for fighting pneumonia, saved the life of Director Eddie Sutherland. social It Was a very horsey affair, that dinner party the Darryl Zanucks threw the polo set in honor of those newlyweds, Aiden Roark and the former Esther Moore . . . the producer and his frau chartered one of the better night clubs for the occasion . . . when Mrs. Harry Beaumont tendered a surprise dinner in honor of her husband's birthday, she had the candle-light cake made to resemble a stock broker's board, and listed all of Harry's stocks, good and bad alike 70 At the age of four Shirley Temple has progressed far on the road to fame. She has scored a big hit in Stand Up and Cheer for Fox and is now filming Half Way Decent at Paramount HOLLYWOOD