Hollywood (1938)

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©C1B 387555 H SEPTEMBER, 1938 Vol. 27 No. 9 Hollywood W. H. FAWCETT Publisher ° 1938 LLEWELLYN MILLER, Editor k> i; Table of Contents EXCLUSIVE FEATURE STORIES Fans Can Be Pests by Llewellyn Miller 20 Vagabond Honeymoon (Claudette Colbert) by Helen Bunch 22 Milland Gets the Air by Terry Kelly 23 He Had Plenty of Nothing (James Stewart) by Katharine Hartley 27 What Color Is Your Personality? (Lola Lane) by Jessie Henderson 28 Sweet as a Rosenbloom by Ed Champion 31 Hexed by a Pekinese! (Nigel Bruce) by Kay Proctor 32 Worry, Worry, Worry (Merle Obe'ron) by E. J. Smithson 33 Honey Chile's Secrets (Patricia Wilder) by Jule Butler 35 Offside at Lakeside by Whitney Williams 38 Licked by Success (Frank McHugh) by Serena Bradford 46 Penny's from Broadway by E. J. Smithson 65 PICTORIAL SPECIALS Benchley vs. Baby 8 Magnificence! (Norma Shearer) , 24 Ginger in Action 26 Back to School (Deanna Durbin) 30 Mickey's Career Marches On 34 EVERY MONTH IN HOLLYWOOD Important Pictures by Llewellyn Miller 10 Hollywood Newsreel 16 Beauty Department by Ann Vernon 40 Movie Crossword 57 Hollywood Cooking School (Joan Fontaine) by Betty Crocker 58 \i Jean Arthur in a scene from Columbia's You Can't Take It With You RALPH DAIGH, Marking Editor ' CHARLES RHODES, Staff Photographer HOLLYWOOD Magazine is published monthly by Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1100 West Broadway, Louisville. Ky. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Louisville. Ky., under the act of March 3, 1S79, with additional entry at Greenwich, Conn. Copyright 193S by Fawcett Publications, Inc. W. H. Fawcett, Publisher; Elliott Odell. Advertising Director. General offices, Fawcett Building, Greenwich. Conn. Trademark registered in TJ. S. Patent Office. Subscription rate 50 cents a year in United States and possessions and Canada; foreign subscription $1.00. Single issues five cents. Advertising forms close on the 18th of third month preceding date of issue. Printed in V. S. A. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Send all remittances and correspondence concerning subscriptions to Fawcett Building, Greenwich, Conn. Advertising offices: New York, 1501 Broadway: Chicago, 360 N. Michigan Ave.; San Francisco, Simpson-Reilly, 1014 Buss Building; Los Angeles, Simpson-Reilly, Garfield Bldg. Editorial offices, 1501 Broadway, New York City.