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Pads Won't Dry the
Escape at last from "AFTERNOON FACE"
»4ate afternoon... away from home.. .make-up stale... date with him for dinner... mirror says: "Complete new make-up needed." No cream with you. ..no time for a regular facial. ..but, thanks to the quickies in your purse, HE sees you at your best!
quickies are downy-soft circles of special cloth that come to you all ready saturated with a marvelous cleansing and freshening lotion! One quickies ■gSTJE^N instantly wipes away powder and rouge ...cleanses your skin without drying it... freshens your skin. ..smooths it and gives ^T^r~^ a base that powder will really ■W /. Jy /Vv \ stick to. Carry quickies... for a quick facial any time, anywhere! So economical too! | ... 100 quickies in a boudoir jar and 15 in the purse vanity 55c . . . everywhere.
Where Shall We Mail Your Copy?
NEWMountainMlstAlbumshows 50 quilt designs, many in full color. Tellsabout designs, decoration value, quilting methods, "how to make" Ideas. Learn about new-ty penning— Mountain Mist filling — quilts quicker and easier. Makes quilt, look puffier after washing. Get Mountain Mist Quilt Cotton at dry goods and dept.
stores. Send 10c (coin Dr3ferred) for Quilt Album. Steams& Foster, Dept. R-13 Lockland, Cincinnati, Ohio
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1939 Queen Quality Watch. >ial Small as a Dime. Jeweled. Accuracy Guarantee enclosed. WATCH is yours FREE of any extra charge with every ring ordered during SALE and paid for promptly on our easy two monthly $2 payment plan (total only $4). Remember, the cost of the watch is included in the price of the ring ...YOU PAY NOTHING EXTRA | for the Watch! Wear 10 days ON ■r! APPROVAL! Send NO Money '■'with order! We trust you. Mail coupon now. We pay postage. Your package comes at once by return mail.
GOLD STANDARD WATCH CO., Dept T-3911. Newton, Mass Rush offer. □ Ladies' Model U Mea's Model
Girl Crazy
[Continued from page 34]
comes from Texas. She arrived in Hollywood via the beauty contest route but refused to accept the fate of the usual contest winner. She would not quit and go home when success was slow in coming but plugged along five years to get a real break. After that, her first small part, she sailed right into leading roles and has played them ever since. She has been married for two years to Edward Norris, a dark, quiet chap who has won plenty of commendation himself in Hollywood as an actor. Photogenically, she is Warner's best bet.
Contrary to the general impression, the Kids are not the product of New York's slums. It is a sincere tribute to their respective talents that the illusion they created on stage and screen has become endowed with life. Neither has any of them ever known real want. Respectable, middle class parents are behind all of them.
Four of them were trained in the Children's Professional School in New York from whence they were drafted for the original "Dead End" cast on Broadway. Bernard had an uncle who was a theatrical agent, and Leo's father is a well known comedian, which accounts for them.
IB Leo is the eldest, being 21. He'd like you to think he's the toughest, the way he glowers and swaggers around. Actually he has a soft and sensitive streak in him that expresses itself in his writing of sentimental stories and poetry. (But never make the mistake of confronting him with it!) He's mad about speed. So much so that the studio found it necessary to install a throttle governor on his car which sets his limit at 40 m. p. h. It would be 90 if he had his way about it. Physically he is the smallest, standing only 5 feet 6 and weighing 125 pounds. He has a swarthy skin, dark hair and blue eyes, and has played in more pictures than the rest.
H Gabriel is 19, the son of an Italian doctor and mother. He wants to be a writer or a motion picture director. He'll fight for his convictions but he won't do it via a loud argument. The other boys respect his abilities with his fists, despite the fact there appears to be little of the rowdy, genuine or faked, in his make-up. His first interest in the theatre was aroused in high school where he played an unique interpretation of Hamlet a la farce, of all things. He was born in Brooklyn, has blue eyes and brown hair, is 5 feet 10 and weighs 145 pounds.
■ Huntz Hall is next in age. He's 18 and reminds one of a playful puppy. He is Irish, and was christened Henry but looked so much like a little German baby he was nicknamed Hans, from which the Huntz was derived. He is quite the "ladies man" of the bunch, likes to gamble, and wants to be a movie producer so he can order 40 elephants at a crack. Born in New York, he is 5 feet
\ Quickly. Hut
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• At home — quickly and safely you can tint those streaks of gray to lustrous shades of blonde, brown or black. A small brush and BROWN ATONE does it. Guaranteed harmless. Active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Economical and lasting— will not wash out. Imparts rich, beautiful, natural appearing color with amazing speed. Easy to prove by tinting a lock of your own hair. BROWNATONE is only 50c— at all drug or toilet counters — always on a money-back guarantee.
Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go
The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk.
A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pill3 to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up." Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. 25c at all drug stores. Stubbornly refuse anything else. ©ibsb.c.p. inc.
Arms Legs
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Flappy a I had ugly hair . . . was unloved discouraged. Tried many different products . . . even razors. Nothing was satisfactory. Then I developed a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked. I have helped thousands win beauty, love, happiness. My FREE book, "How to Overcome the Superfluous Hair Problem", explains themethod and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mine. Annette Lanzette, P. O. Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 479, Chicago.
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If you suffer with attacks of Asthma so terrible you choke and gasp for breath, if restful sleep is impossible because of the struggle to breathe, if you feel the disease is slowly wearing your life away, don't fail to send at once to the Frontier Asthma Co. for a free trial of a remarkable method. No matter where you live or whether you have any faith in any remedy under the Sun, send for this free trial. If you have suffered for a lifetime and tried everything you could learn of without relief; even if you are utterly discouraged, do not abandon hope but send today for this free trial. It will cost you nothing. Address
Frontier Asthma Co. 10-D Frontier BIdg.
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