Hollywood (1939)

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would give his left leg for the fun of traveling around the country with either band. As a matter of fact, he's committed to so many pictures during the next twelve months that he couldn't leave Hollywood if he wanted to. ■ Una Merkel, back in pictures after a lay-off, plays the role of nurse in Women in White and it strikes pretty close to home. While she was working in the picture, her father was operated upon, her mother was taken ill, and a girl friend, out here to visit her, was hurried to a local hospital where she gave birth to a baby girl. 9 Joan Blondell is out gunning for her sister Gloria ?nd for good reason. Gloria, who is cfter mistaken for Joan, went into a Beverxy Hills shop the other day and after being identified as Joan by admiring clerks, decided to keep up the deceit. Not only that, but being a great prankster, she confidentially passed the word around that she was the most extravagant woman in Hollywood, that she wasn't to be trusted, that she and her husband Dick quarrelled every day, that she wasn't very proud of her new baby and so on and so on. And did the shop eat it up! A day or two later the real Joan entered the same store and immediately the clerks began to rave about how closely she resembled Joan who, they said, "was in here the other day and was she a screwball!" And so on and so on until Joan got so mad that she turned and fled without buying a thing. One astonished clerk heard her mutter, "Wait until I get that Gloria alone, I'll show her!" and was all for calling the cops but was prevailed upon not to. ■ Gracie Allen's surrealist painting exhibition is going great guns these days. Starting out more or less as a gag, the exhibition has been turning them away in droves in Boston, Philadelphia and other large cities. Gracie turns the proceeds over to the Chinese Medical Society. The first month the check was for $400, the second mpjaJ"-k--c~~ *J*r'" r~4 1=*f*6ember cher' Glenda Farrell probably is the prettiest mayor in the world. Here she is, all done up in brocade and orchids being sworn in as Mayor of North Hollywood by Mayor Fletcher Bowron of Los Angeles. He is a real mayor. Her title is honorary but is a great social honor | Roscoe Turner, the famous speed pin^~. is starring in Republic's Flight at Midnight. Cast in the role of ace pilot Roscoe has been grounded by studio executives until the film is completed. J After writing and submitting several stories with George Raft in mind, Wilson McNeal, a WPA worker, finally hit upon a theme that George liked so well that he bought it. It's titled Heir Apparent and is a comedy about the legal profession. 'iWj S^ig; ♦ horself-women's sanitary needs Every woman is a law un£ f SfflSL another woman M^oTrtTerent days and what b ^ So Kotex offers All 3 types of sanitary napkins Regular, for days wh« less proteCon u „ TsTr. longer or wider man V-KOTBX.S MADE JOR YOU! ■ .■■...;■..,_.: _ 59