Hollywood (1939)

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lforCftUOUSES/r\ I BURNING, TENDERNESS/ I nN BOTTOM OF F«T_ ' Instantly Relieves Pain Lifts Shoe Pressure Cushions Sensitive Spot For instant relief from painful callouses and burning sensations on the bottom of your feet — get New SuperSoft Dr. Sertoli's Zino-pads! Entirely different in design, shape and texture and 630% softer. These soothing, healing Kurotex cushioned pads of fleecy fibers give mild support to the Metatarsal arch; lift pressure off the sensitive nerves; give greater ease in high-heeled shoes. New thin SEAL-TIP Scalloped Edge molds pad around painful spot. Don't stick to stocking or come off in bath. Separate Medications included for quickly removing callouses. Increased quantity at NO EXTRA COST— only 35(2. Sizes for Callouses, Corns, Bunions, Soft Corns. NEW t&vijuiti-Svist D-rScholls Zino-pads IF YOU HAVE GRAY HAIR and DON'T LIKE a MESSY MIXTURE.... then write today for my FREE TRIAL BOTTLE As a Hair Color Specialist with forty years' European American experience, I am proud of my Color Imparfcer for Grayness. Use it like a hair tonic. Wonderfully GOOD for the scalp and dandruff; it can't leave stains. As you use it, the gray hair becomes a darker, more youthful color. I want to convince you by sending my free trial bottleand hook tellingAII About Gray Hair. ARTHUR RHODES, Hair Color Expert, Dept.36. LOWELL. MASS. :6Ln^_u>eA_ TO the perplexed woman seeking to do away with the bother of measuring and mixing solutions, we suggest Boro-Pheno-Form. This forty-six year old product is widely preferred for Feminine Hygiene because it needs no water or accessories for its use. Each dainty suppository is complete in itself. No danger of "overdose" or "underdose." v __ Sioothing, harmless, odor \\y \J\ pi-vp'c less. At all drug stores. J/1* r ■ Boro-Pheno-Form Cpcpi Mail Coupon today for ■ l»CC. "TheAnswer"— an informative booklet on Feminine Hygiene. Dr. Pierre Chemical Co., Dept 10D, 162 N. Franklin Street, Chicago, III. Please send me booklet "The Answer. Name _ Address _ Town Stale the two violently in love. Terrifically upset, Livvy went straight to Dick. "Mr. Powell" (they were still at the Mr. and Miss stage in their acquaintance), "what can I do?" she said. "I know this is terribly embarrassing for you. I assure you I had nothing to do with . . ." Dick smiled gently at her. In the back of his mind, no doubt, was his first experience of the same kind. "Skip it!" he advised her. "You're pretty young, but you'll learn fast." Livvy learned fast. A few days ago she was invited to a big party given by a producer following the opening of a new picture. She was asked to choose an escort from the stag list. Errol Flynn was the only man known to her on the list. She wanted to go to the party, but her twentytwo-year-old wisdom dictated a fiat refusal. "Errol is married and Lili Damita, his wife, is away," Livvy explained. "Errol Flynn and I have worked together in several pictures, and naturally have become good, casual friends. But if we had showed up at that party together the gossips would have been making something unpleasant of it for weeks to come. It wasn't worth that to either of us." , [ The men most girls of twenty-two go with are approximately their own age. They are the chaps they knew in school who are just getting started in business, or who still are attending college. In Hollywood most of the eligible escorts are between thirty and forty years old, Livvy said. As a rule, they are considerably more worldly-wise than the girls. That aids and abets the "growing up too soon" process a lot, since the girls quickly assume more sophisticated ways to keep pace. "It doesn't take long for Hollywood to make most of us spoiled sophisticates who have forgotten how to enjoy living, no matter how young and eager and easily thrilled and impressed we were at first," she said. "Seemingly the mind and body become conditioned to excitement. Things that once were really thrilling become hum-drum and everyday. I honestly think that's why so many people in Hollywood lead what looks like rackety lives to outsiders. They are searching for excitement and nothing excites them." Though she is a long way from that point in ennui, Livvy illustrated her contention with an example of her own life. "Four years ago in Saratoga it would have been an EVENT for me to get a simple new evening dress," she said. "A few weeks ago I wore a gown that cost over $1,800. I will admit to a little thrill when I first put it on, but by the end of the day's work, it had become just another costume among many beautiful ones I had worn. That certainly is growing up much too H In fairness to Livvy, I want to tell another story about her appreciation of things, a story which she did not tell me. When Livvy, her mother, and sister, Joan Fontaine, moved into their present modest six-room home in a pleasant but not swank residential district of Hollywood two years ago, they found it an ex The young Wayne Morrises spent their honeymoon on ships and planes and there they are, arriving from Havana just in time to attend The President's Birthday Ball. Morris1 next film, The Kid From Kokomo, was finished the day before the wedding on January 7 citing change from the apartment they formerly had occupied. Bit by bit she saved until she could afford a lovely set of Sheraton furniture for the dining room. She chose it and paid for it by herself. That in itself was a thrill. By the time she had completed five new pictures she found herself getting restless. The house was too small. There weren't enough closets, and the garage in back wasn't nearly large enough. And so she set out to find a new one to rent. She found it. It had a large lawn. It was near a lake. It had a three-car garage. It once had housed one of moviedom's brightest glamour girls. She took the lease home and sat down at the Sheraton dining table to sign it. Suddenly the smooth, shining surface of the table caught her eye, and the hand holding the pen stopped in midair. "Good heavens, I'm going Hollywood!" she said aloud. For suddenly her mind had flooded with memories of how hard she had worked to acquire that furniture, what a thrill it had been, and what tremendous happiness the little house had brought her when she first moved it. All of that, she realized, had been forgotten in a few short months. Quickly she tore up the lease, and the family stayed where it was. That story proves her point, too. A twenty-two-year-old who hadn't grown up too soon would never have stopped to take such accurate stock of herself. 52