Hollywood (1939)

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Ankles Swollen, Backache, Nervous, Kidneys Strained? If you're' feeling out o-sorts, Get Up Nights, or suffer from Dizziness, Nervousness, Backache, Leg: Pains, Swollen Ankles, Burning Passages, Excess Acidity, or Loss of Energy and feel old before1 your time, functional Kidney Weakness may be the true cause. Wrong foods and drinks, worry, colds or overwork may create an excess of acids and place a heavy strain on your kidneys so that they function poorly and need help to properly purify your blood and maintain health and energy. HeSp Kidneys Doctor's Way Many Doctors have discovered by scientific clinical tests and in actual practice that a quick and modern way to help the kidneys clean out excess poisons and acids is with a scientifically prepared prescription called Cystex. Hundreds and hundreds of Doctors' records prove this. All Cystex active ingredients are listed in each package, accompanied by a Laboratory Certificate of Purity. Money Back Guarantee Usually the very first dose of Cystex goes right to work helping your Kidneys remove excess acids. Quickly, this may make you feel like1 new again. And so certain are the makers that Cystex will satisfy you completely they ask you to try it under a money back guarantee. You be the judge1. If not entirely satisfied just return the empty package and get your money back. Cystex (Siss-tex) costs only 3c a dose at druggists and the guarantee protects you, so stare your test today. pitching //TORT U R E This Quick Way For quick relief from the itching of eczema, blotches, pimples, athlete's foot, scales, rashes and other externally caused skin eruptions, use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. Original formula of Doctor Dennis. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes the irritation and quickly stops the most intense itching. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it— or your money back. Ask for D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. hard to brqten? A proven way to make teeth gleam bryter is with Iodent No. 2. It's a special dentifrice made by a Dentist to do just this— SAFELY remove most stubborn stains — even smoke stains— or money back. Try IodentToothpaste or Powder for bryter teeth and a minty flavor that leaves the mouth cleaner and fresher. IODENT TOOTHPASTES POWDER telX NO. ' ■/ FOR TEETH EASY TO BRYTEN NO 2 FOR TEETH HARD TO BRYTEN The Show Goes On [Continued jrora page 13] attractive songs. Akim Tamiroff is funny as the mayor who has brought American culture in the form of a fixed slot machine to the village. Edward Everett Horton and Ben Blue are amusing, but no amount of talented acting can conceal the careless structure of what little story there is. THE GREAT MAN VOTES— RKO-Radio H This picture is just sufficiently different to draw a good deal of interest. It deals with the man, Vance, who tossed away a distinguished literary career when his wife died. He could not toss away his education, however, or all of the traditions of his fine family. So, even when he was blithest after a bout with his faithful bottle, he coached his children (Virginia Weidler and Peter Holden) carefully through Latin conjugations and details of the Punic Wars before going off to his job as janitor. Vance (John Barrymore) did not realize that he occupied a position of great political power. He lived in a run-down dwelling surrounded by warehouses and shops. In fact it was the last dwelling left in the oldest ward in the city, and he was the last voter. This particular circumstance was not discovered until after an entire political campaign was based upon a plea to follow the lead of the oldest ward. There was consternation in campaign headquarters when it was discovered that Vance had been put in a somewhat uncooperative frame of mind by being fired after his children had beaten up the ward-heeler's offensive little boy. In your appreciation of the work done by talented little Virginia Weidler and the remarkable new comer, Peter Holden, do not fail to give credit to Bennie Bartlett for his version of the junior political bully. Barrymore continues the bombastic, flamboyant comedy which had proved so popular in recent pictures and Katharine Alexander supplies the thread of love interest. GOING PLACES— Warners ■ This is the old tale, The Hottentot, partially revived. The story always was a fairly funny farce, dealing with the adventures of a young man who posed as a famous rider even though he never had been on a horse. Dick Powell has had far better parts. All of the comedy characters work very hard. Hollywood Newsreel [Continued from page 17] for themselves and doing very well according to the enthusiastic reception its air show is receiving each week — which ought to be good news to a number of our tightfisted, nickle-nursing top-ranking stars who have never yet contributed their onehalf of one per cent of their salary to the Relief Fund and who, for all they know, may be the first to seek aid from the charity they now deny. That one may be up today and down tomorrow in the motion picture business is tragically true when you learn that the more than a thousand requests for assistance a month reach the desks of the executives of the Relief Fund. j | Johnnie Davis' stag party given in honor of his pal, Wayne Morris, was something to write Aunt Het about. Nice thing about it was that Wayne insisted that Johnnie skip the bigshots, and invite only those who had encouraged him by word and deed since the day he first stepped on the Warner lot. Irish Ballad warbling by Pat O'Brien, some swell piano playing by Larry Seymour, topped off by a hot turkey dinner were the highlights of the occasion which was enjoyed by everybody from the prop boys, technical men, publicity guys and on down to this scrivener. Johnny Davis, in a wild moment of wilder enthusiasm, brought out his famous cornet and blew so hard and so hot that he almost melted down three of the valves! H On our rounds of the studios the other day, we were very pleased to see a young extra busily reading the latest copy of Movie Story. Of course, not wasting an opportunity to boost one of our own publications, we said: "That's a mighty fine magazine you have there!" "Yes," agreed the extra, "It's so much fun reading the complete story of a motion picture before it is shown at the theatre. And just imagine it's only ten cents!" ■ Ironic, indeed, it must be to Jack Benny that sequence in Artists and Models Abroad having to do with "hot" jewelry and the dialogue which gives Jack a chance to say he's "on the side of the law!" B No, no. Georgie Burns wasn't kicked out of the Grade Allen Murder Case because of his trouble with the Feds. This story was bought and scripted for production almost a year ago and for Gracie alone. ■ The genial Pat O'Brien's wide smile has thinned down to midget size these days and no wonder. First, one of his children became ill. Then his wife took to her bed for a siege of flu. Before these two members of his family recovered his wife's brother's wife had a baby. On top of all this, Pat received a telegram from Del Mar saying that a tidal wave had rolled into his beach home almost carrying it back into the ocean. Then, when 54