Hollywood (1939)

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everybody and everything was accounted for, Pat decided to celebrate the return of good fortune by buying a platinum bracelet for his wife and doggone if his little daughter, Maureen, didn't lose it five minutes after he had placed it on her wrist so she could admire it first. A frantic day's search revealed it hanging from one of the stems of a bowl of flowers near the youngster's bed. ■ A sight worth watching — Margaret Lindsay eating a hamburger sandwich. On top of the meat she places a generous helping of horseradish, follows this with another generous helping of mustard, onions and catsup, tops all these condiments off with as much chili as the sandwich will carry and then digs in with all the gusto of a farmhand attacking a country-cooked meal. | George Brent certainly must be boat minded. Just recently he hopped aboard a ship bound for Honolulu only to return home on the same boat. He was here less than a day when he hopped back on board again, bound for the same destination. | For years and years Tony Quinn thought himself an American only to discover a short while back that he was still a Mexican. It all came out on his last trip across the border when custom officials demanded to see his identification papers. Tony explained they had been lost, strayed or stolen along with his wallet. After signing a few legal-looking documents he was permitted to go on. Back home once again, he contacted friends in his home town, El Paso, Texas, and learned that his parents had moved there from Mexico when he was less than a month old and that there was no record of his ever becoming and American citizen. So Tony's busy, now, taking out his first papers. B Jo Ann Sayers, who made her film debut as a hospital nurse in Young Doctor Kildare, seems doomed to spend her professional life in a hospital. Adrienne Ames tells us that her favorite of all pets is her canary. She is playing with Hedy Lamarr and Spencer Tracy in / Take This Woman Her second M-G-M role was nurse in Honolulu. In Huckleberry Finn she nurses Mickey Rooney. ("And was she a swell nurse!" says Mickey.) In her most recent picture, Four Girls in White, she's again cast as a hospital nurse. i | Susan Hayward, as complete a stranger to folks in Hollywood as we would be to the natives in Timbuctoo, arrives in the filmcity and, believe it or not, five days later, grabs off one of the year's most coveted roles — the feminine lead in Beau Geste. Susan's a former New York model, with no motion picture experience and just the sketchiest sort of stage record. So what? Well, all she did was to walk into the office of Arthur Jacobson, Paramount talent head, and ask for a job. And got it. Right now she's under a long-term contract and her first assignment is the romantic lead opposite Gary Cooper and Ray Milland in one of this studio's biggest productions for 1939. Boy, and are a lot of our established feminine stars gnashing their pearly teeth over the selection! 3 Ray Milland is either the most absentminded guy in pictures or else he just doesn't give a whoop. Anyway, when he returned from his vacation he had so much trouble remembering his new telephone number he laid cash on the line so that the telephone company would give him back his old one. HOW ATTRACTIVE ARE fWW THE BEACH? SKINNY? HERE'S HOW HOUSANOS GAIN NATURALLY ALLURING CURVES THIN, TIRED, NERVOUS PEOPLE OFTEN GAIN 10 TO 25 LBS., NEW HEALTH, PEP -QUICK Try without risking a cent Posed hy professional models HERE'S the best news ever told for thousands of skinny, tired, washed-out men and women who are almost ashamed to be seen in a bathing suit— people who can hardly eat, sleep or work — people who are so nervous and cranky they've almost lost all friends. 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If with the first package you don't eat better and FEEL better, with much more strength and pep — if you're not convinced that Ironized Yeast will give you the normally attractive flesh, new energy and life you have longed for. the price of this first package will be promptly refunded. Only be sure you get genuine Ironized Yeast, and not one of the cheap, inferior substitutes often offered which do not give the same results. Look for "IY" stamped on each tablet. Special offer To start thousands building up their health right away, we make this special offer. Purchase a package of Ironized Yeast tablets at once, cut out the seal on the box and mail it to us with a clipping of this paragraph. Wo will send you a fascinating new book on health. "New Facts About Your Body." Remember, results with the first package — or money refunded. At all druggists. Ironized Yeast Co., Inc.. Dept. 284, Atlanta, Ga. TUNE IN ON THE GOOD WILL HOUR, every Sunday Evening. Paper gives time and station. 53