Hollywood (1940)

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HI *~s4.ppear SLIMMER . . . at once ! WOULD you like to SLENDERIZE your SILHOUETTE ... and wear dresses sizes smaller? That is just what the Thynmold Perforated Rubber Girdle will do for you! But you won't believe it possible unless you actually try it yourself. That is why we will send you a beautiful THYNMOLD Girdle and Brassiere to test for 10 days at our expense. If you cannot wear a dress smaller than you normally wear, it costs you nothing. BULGES Smoothed Out INSTANTLY! ■ Make the simple silhouette test! Stand before a mirror in your ordinary foundation. Notice the bumps of fat . . . the thickness of waist . . . the width of hips. Now slip into your THYNMOLD and see the amazing difference! Your new outline is not only smaller, but all bulges have been smoothed out instantly! QaltM , xov>* uttS Test THYNMOLD for 10 days at our expense! ■ Make the silhouette test the minute you receive your THYNMOLD. Then wear it 10 days and make the mirror test again. You will be amazed. If you are not delighted ... if THYNMOLD does not correct your figure faults and do everything you expect, it will cost you nothing. Made of the Famous PERFOLASTIC RUBBER ■ THYNMOLD is the modern solution to the bulging waistline and broad hips. Its pure Para rubber is perforated to help body moisture evaporate.. .its soft inner lining is fused into the rubber for long wear and the special lace-back feature allows ample adjustment for change in size. The overlapping Brassiere gives a support and freedom of action impossible in a one-piece foundation. Send for free illustrated folder /n^n^ntaua^ IRDLE5 DIRECT PRODUCTS CO., INC. Dept. 134, 358 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Send me illustrated folder describing Thynmold Rubber Girdle and Brassiere, sample of perforated material and full details of your 10-day Trial Offer. Name Address 12 Lya's Lively Lya Lys wanted to be an international spy when she was seventeen years old, but when a foreign government finally did send for her, she voieed a more than vigorous refusal By IAN DUNCAN H In the rich purple dusk of the Mediterranean midwinter the dulcet note of the stationmaster's whistle signalled the engineer of the Paris night express that the moment of departure had arrived. The brass band locomotive chuffed authoritatively and the world's premier luxury train slid smoothly out of Barcelona, its sleek salons and sleeping cars aglitter with brilliant lights, rich appointments and the gaudiest collection of racy folk on the face of Europe aboard. The lounge car, the special gem of the sleeping-car company, was the LouisNapoleon. It was filled beyond its seating capacity with the rich and raucous uppercrust of the continental underworld. Munitions magnates, opium traders and international pawnbrokers pored over their late newspapers containing the closing prices on the London share market and the bourses of Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels. At their sides, dressed and coiffed like duchesses or demi-mondaines, lolled the world's most beautiful and expensive women. No vivid imagination was required to perceive in the chromium-plated equipage the ideal setting for a mystery story or spy drama. Instinctively every passenger on the Paris night express from Barcelona felt that his neighbor in the lounge car was a character out of E. Phillips Oppenheim, and that Drawing Room A in the sleeping car ahead was occupied jointly by Operative J-16 of the F.B.I, and Cleek of Scotland Yard. On this historic journey of the LouisNapoleon, tucked away on an alcove divan, speechless with joy and apprehension, was a seventeen-year-old schoolgirl who will presently emerge as the heroine of this dime novel. She was a law student at the