Hollywood (1941)

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a romance in your life that will come back again in a way that will overwhelm you." "Aha!" George beams. "The dark woman. Now we're getting somewhere." Mme. Wanda shifts gears now, going over into palmistry. "A dark woman indeed," she confirms. "Something definite is coming about between you and the dark woman in 1942. You can't avert it. There has been a tragedy in your life of another kind that has temporarily upset your relationship with the dark woman. But you can't escape her. You're doomed." Mr. Sanders' expression is anything but that of a doomed man. "Business, now," Mme. Wanda pursues. "You are about to make a small transaction, perhaps the purchase of a car. But another business deal, farther off, is filled with intrigue against you. It won't necessarily be successful intrigue but you must curb your generosity for the rest of the year. "Now about your personal relationships outside of love — " "What could be more tiresome?" Mr. Sanders inquires. "You yourself are strictly on the level," Mme. Wanda assures the patient. "You're sympathetic to friends and strangers alike. If someone near you has a stomach ache, you have a stomach ache out of sympathy. "You have recently formed friendships with men of three strangely varying types. One is a laughing lover. Another is very staid, but nearly as sympathetic as you are. The third is a revolutionary, bursting with ideas, never idle a moment, never finishing sentences. Do you recognize these men?" "The Marx Brothers?" Sanders asks hopefully. Mme. Wanda abandons this approach and switches to cards. After giving them a few mystic gypsy riffles she lays them out in a geometric design. "New qualities assert themselves here," she announces. "You are secretive. You are moody. Sometimes when things seem unbearable you say to yourself, 'Here is where I go out on a good binge.' But your dignity restrains you and you conquer the impulse. "You have the secret of eternal youth. If you suppress your fondness for good food you will always be young, always desirable to women." "How about the dark lady of 1942?" Sanders asks. "How will she like that?" "The cards say nothing on the subject," the seeress informs him sternly. "They do say that you have tenacity." "But not as much as the dark lady that inherits me in 1942, evidently," the patient guesses. "It appears not. I have told you all I can except that when the hurly-burly of your career is over, you will regale yourself with rich and pleasant memories of an active and fruitful life." Mme. Wanda signals at this point that the clinic is over. "How can I ever repay you for mapping such an interesting course for my life?" Mr. Sanders asks. "One dollar, please," the lady informs him. "For charity, you know." ■ HAVE YOU TESTED YOUR MOVIE I. 0 WITH OUR NEW, IMPROVED CROSSWORD PUZZLE? Colonel Blake, of the U. S. Marine Corps, drew charming Joan Blondell as his dinner companion at the big Hollywood naval dinner. 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