Hollywood (1942)

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i : w n vk vi« w *m : i a vpi tn =i * By citsKixi: .mmi\so\ Cesar Romero has been Ann Sothern's constant escort since the separation of Ann and her husband, Roger Pryor. | Jane Withers finds the cost of romance is pretty heavy. She has to have three pairs of shoes in readiness every evening. When she goes out with Buddy Pepper, Boy Friend No. 1, she wears low heels because Buddy is short. When she steps out with Freddie Bartholomew, Boy Friend No. 2, she wears medium heels. He's medium height. And when Robert Cornell takes her dancing, she wears high heels — to keep his chin from doing a rhumba on her head. | Alice F a y e is going to have a three million dollar baby — the highest priced infant in the history of Hollywood. Alice's studio, 20th Century-Fox, had scheduled her for three pictures during the coming year that would cost two million dollars and would gross, the studio thinks, at least five million. But the stork intervened. Alice will desert the screen for a year and the studio is out three million dollars. ■ When can you do the Can Can and when can't you. Even the Hays office censors don't know. Three years ago Claudette Colbert did the famous French dance in the picture Zaza. And the movie censors cut out most of the scene. Now red-haired Rita Hayworth will do the same notorious dance in her new picture, Eadie Was a Lady, and the Hays office has approved the script. ■ Although she's free legally, Marjorie Weaver can not consider another marriage before next April unless she breaks her promise. She divorced Lieut. Kenneth Schacht of the U.S. Navy in Reno. But under the law she could not divorce him without his consent because he's stationed outside the United States in Uncle Sam's armed forces. He gave his consent to the divorce when Marjorie promised she would not become engaged to anyone else until he returns to Hollywood from the Philippines next April. It might mean a reconciliation. H A producer at Paramount became upset the other day because the noise of a piano came through to his office during a story conference. The producer ordered an office boy to "tell that piano tuner to cut it out." The office boy located the source of the nuisance and told the man at the baby grand that he was making too much noise. The man stopped playing. The man at the piano happened to be Irving Berlin, who was composing tunes for his new picture, Holiday Inn. | There's a feud behind every telephone pole in Hollywood, with Greta Garbo and Joan Blondell providing the best and \ Loretta Young and her wide-eyed husband. Tom Lewis, are shown at Joan Bennett's party at Ciro's after the premiere of Sundown. Having completed work on Columbia's The Men in Her Life, Loretta is currently working on Bedtime Story Paramount's attractive Eleanor Stewart gives a preview on how she will celebrate come midnight December 31st latest. They're disagreeing over hair — the long and the short of it. Garbo, who recently cut her famous long bob for her latest film, is on the short end of the argument. Miss Blondell, ordered by the studio to acquire a similar bob for her role in Lady For a Night, refused on the grounds that it's impractical and unattractive. "How can you be a lady for even one nigh t," asks Joan, "with a haircut like that?" | Success In Reverse: As m. c. at the Tower theater in Kansas City, Jack Carson presided over many amateur night shows. The other day he received a letter from one of his contest winners. It was written from a cell in California's San Quentin prison. | Joan Fontaine andhubby Brian Aherne's trip East was supposed to be a vacation, but Joan spent some time un |~Co?iti?iued on page 8]