Hollywood (1942)

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GRAY HAIR KILLS ROMANCE ~l rod) You know that gray hair ^ spells the end of romance . . . yet you are afraid to color your hair! You are afraid of dangerous dyes, afraid that it is too difficult, afraid that the dye will destroy your hair's natural lustre — afraid, most of all, that everyone will know your hair is "dyed". These fears are so needless! Today at your drug or department store, you can buy Mary T. Goldman Gray Hair Coloring Preparation. It transforms gray, bleached, or faded hair to the desired shade — so gradually that your closest friend won't guess. Pronounced a harmless hair dye by competent authorities, this preparation will not hurt your wave, or the texture of your hair. If you can comb your hair, you can't go wrong! Millions of women have been satisfied with Mary T. Goldman's Hair Coloring Preparation in the last fifty years. Results assured or your money back. Send for the free trial kit — so that you may see for yourself the beautiful color which this preparation will give to a lock from your own hair. Mary T. Goldman Co., 7768 Goldman Bldg. I St. Paul, Minn. Send free test kit. Color checked. I □ Black □ Dark Brown O Light Brown j D Medium Brown D Blonde D Auburn I Name.. I Address.City sation m shoes! "Cli per** ZIPS on and off i stantly. Now's the time to build yourself a highly profitable shoe business with Clipper and 249 other sensational shoe styles for men and women. Dress, work, sports shoes. Prices low as S2.93. Extremely liberal profit for you. Complete sales outfit absolutely free. Write now. MASON SHOE MFG. CO. Deot. M-5. Chippewa Falls. Wisconsin ANY^PHOTO ENLARGED AUSMEN WANTED BIG PAY EVERY Day 47° Size Sx 10 inches or smaller if desired. Sumo price for fall length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture Safo return of original photo _ guaranteed. 3 TOT SI. 00 SEND NO MONEY Jr?n«pps\1t (any size) and within a week you will receive your beautiful enlargement, guaranteed fadeless. Pay postman 47c plus postage — or send 49o with order and we pay postage. Big 16x20inch enlargement sent C. O. D. 78c plus postage or send SOc and we pay postage. Take ad' offer now. Send your photos today. Specify 113 S. Jeffer tage <V this amazing wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS >n St., Dept. 232-B CHICAGO, ILLINOIS STOPPED In A Jiffy Relieve itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scales, scabies, rashes and other skin troubles. Use cooling antiseptic D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and stops itching quickly. 35c trial bottle proves it — or money back. Ask your druggist today for D.D.D. Prescription. „>» i.vi, peiayire or cry ana always De cerJtaia your lashes and brows remain attractively dark. One application lasts 4 to 5 ■weeks. Endsdaily make-up bother. Never k runs, smarts, smudges or harms lashes AIndelible. CAUTION: Use only as dijjrected on the label. Try it! SI at departM nient and drug stores.^ INDELIBLE DARKEN"" *--Dark-Eyes"2110W. Madison St, Dept 30-A-2 Chicago, III J I enclose 25c (coin or stamps) tor ^enerousV trial package of "Dark-Eyes" and directions. Nairn... Address. 64 .Town. . State . Important Pictures By SARA CORPEXING SUSPICION ••** RKO-Radio ■ Suspicion is a gripping, compelling film. Alfred Hitchcock again proves himself a superb master of direction and production. Joan Fontaine, in her second big screen role, surpasses even her brilliant work in Rebecca. In the spellbinding story, Cary Grant, the Lothario hero, falls in love against his natural inclinations, marries, and finds he is forced to take a job when his wife is unable to support him as he had hoped. He dabbles at the job, steals from his employer, and loses heavily at the races. Gradually the idea appears to grow in his mind — and that of his wife — that he is going to murder her for her insurance, which will enable him to clear his pressing debts and save his skin. Miss Fontaine's acting, as her terrifying suspicions mount, is superb. The mood and shading of character are unequalled by any of Hitchcock's previous films. Cary Grant is convincing in his unsympathetic role. If the film has a fault, it lies in the ending, which is anticlimactic after the high-pitched suspense and excitement of the entire film. H. M. PULHAM, ESQ. irtrkYi Metro-Goldtcyn-Mayer ■ Every performance in H. M. Pulham Esq. is memorable. For the first time in his career, Robert Young has a role which gives him an opportunity to show that he is a truly good actor. As Harry Pulham the Back Bay Boston blueblood, who realizes twenty years too late that he has missed out in life by remaining true to an outmoded way of living, he is almost faultless. Hedy Lamarr puts an end to the controversy over her assignment to the role of Marvin Myles, a business girl. It's difficult to imagine any other actress who could have excelled her interpretation of the role. The motion picture retains much of the original book in text and spirit, and you will undoubtedly have a most enjoyable evening in seeing the characters you liked in John P. Marquand's popular book. RISE AND SHINE *** 20th Century-Fox | Football, music, nonsense and romance are pleasingly combined in Rise and Shine. The plot is the old one about the football star who is too stupid to make the required grades, but who's such a whiz on the gridiron that it's necessary to keep him in college. At the crucial moment, the entire student body unites to pull him through the exams. Linda Darnell is prettier than ever as the college cheer-leader. CONFIRM OR DENY *** 20th Century-Fox | With Hitler's projected invasion of England as the basis for the story, Confirm or Deny emerges as a tense, exciting drama. Don Ameche is the London [Continued on page 67] If Back Aches Flush Kidneys Do you feel older than you are or suffer from Getting Up Nights. Backache, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Dizziness, Swollen Ankles. Rheumatic Pains, Burning, scanty or frequent passages? 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Conn ASTH MA Tf FREE TRIAL OFFER/ If you suffer from Asthma Paroxysms, from coughs, gasping, wheezing— write quick for daring FREE TRIAL OFFER of amazing relief. Inquiries from so-called "hopeless" cases especially invited. Write NACOR, 216-B, State Life Bldg.. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. SONG POEMS WANTED TO BE SET TO MUSIC Free Examination. Send Your Poems To j. chas. McNeil A. B. MASTER OF MUSIC 510-FG So. Alexandria Los Angeles, Calif. -Guaranteed Rlngsviation emblem Ring for" ^Ladies, also Boys, in 1/40 10K^ ^rolled Gold plate; or a lovely new" p I sweetheart Ring in 1/30 10K rolled _ [plate; your size, your choice, FOR selling 4 boxes of Rosebud Salve at 25c each. Patriotic Lapel Pin FREE with eachringforpromptselling. Order4salve. SendNoMoney. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO, BOX 61, W00DSB0R0, MARYLAND. ^A FAWCETt/ PUBLICATION Always look for this triangle with the words *'A Fawcett Publication" before buying a magazine. The Fawcett Trianqle is your assurance of a better magazine for your money!