Hollywood (1942)

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DOCTORS FAST CORN RELIEF Speedily Removes Corns. Costs But ' A Few Cents To Be Foot-Happy Now! The instant you use Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads on your corns, callouses, bunions or sore toes, tormenting shoe friction stops; aching pressure is lifted; quick relief is yours. Applied at the first sign of sore toes from new or tight shoes, these thin, soothing, cushioning pads will keep you free of corns! Separate Medications included for speedily removing corns or callouses. No other method does all these things for you. Costs only a few cents a treatment. Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads are made in 4 sizes; — for Corns, Callouses, Bunions, Soft Corns between toes. At all Drug, Shoe, Depc Stores and Toilet Goods Counters. Get a box today. Ask for and insist uponDr.Scholl's ! D? Scholl's Tmo pad: COMPOSED TO POEMS Rend poem for consideration. Rhyming pamphlet free. Phonograph electrical transcriptions made, 57.00 from your word and music manuscript. Any subject, Patriotic, Love, Home, Sacred, Swing-. KEE\ AX'S MUSIC SERVICE Box 2140. Dent. Ft" Bridgeport. Conn. MUSIC . . AND LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGER • Now, at home, you can quickly and easily tint telltale Etreaks of gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brovrnatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Used for 30 years by thousands of women (men, too) — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless. No sinn test needed, active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot aCect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch as new gray appears. Easy to prove by tinting a test lock of your hair. Retain your youthful charm. Get BROYTXATOXE today. 60c at all drug stores — on a money-back guarantee, or— «^W%t FREE TEST BOTTLE The Kenton Pharmacol Co. 772 Brownatone Bldg., Covington, Kentucky Without obligation, please send me. free and postpaid. Test Bottle of BROWNATONE and interesting illustrated booklet. Check shade wanted: I D Blonde to Medium Brown O Dark Brown to Black \ Name _-_ . Address .„ ..... City State.. ...... ___ Print Your Name and Address Impost isi'ad Picture > [Continued from page 65] there are moments which will stay in your memory hauntingly. For one, the scene in which the young Canadians get their wings and receive a last word from their air marshall. The story was inspired by Winston Churchill's "We Shall Never Surrender" broadcast, and tells of the bush flyers rushing to enlist in the air force. James Cagney plays a sharpshooter aviator in his usual vigorous fashion, and Brenda Marshall is lovely as the heroine who causes all the trouble. But the memorable performance is turned in by Reginald Gardiner as the pilot who gives his life that his companions may ferry their planes to the English shores. KINGS ROW *** W amrr lirothers ■ If you read the highly popular book . by Henry Bellamann, then you will have an idea of what to expect when you go to see Kings Row. If you haven't, then you should be given an inkling of what is in store for you. For otherwise you will be hopelessly baffled and mystified Presenting Kane Richmond, hero of Republic's exciting serial, Spy Smasher, which is, based on the famous comic character. Great things are being predicted for voting Kane SHt SNUBS aid "no" four times to as pretty as Ann Sheridar TTERE'S the girl who movie contract. She as shapely as Rita Hayworth, and has a personal that is a talent scout's dream. Yet she prefers beii a wa;:ress to becoming a movie actress! The amazii story of Rita Hingey, the girl who snubs stardoi is told in an exclusive picture-story in the Ap issue of SPOT Magazine. This is only one of the many fascinating featur in America's most entertaining picture magazir Get your copy today! WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Ou! of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour 2 pints of bile juice into your bowels every day. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the bowels. Then gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flowing freely to make you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Take as directed. Effective in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. 10^ and 25c. 5x7 PHOTO ENLARGEMENT Any Subject or Group Send anv clear snanshot, photo, bust, full length, groups, -cones, i^r.v. mother. dad, sweetheart, etc. We will enlarge to 5x7 on salon quality photographic paper FREE. Just send print or negative. We will also include information about hand coloring bv exoert artists who specialize in reproducing life-like likenesses and FREE FRAME. Your original returned with vour FREE enlargement. Send now and kinrilv enclose lOc for return mailing. (Only 2 to a customer.) IDEAL PORTRAIT CO. P.O.Box 74SGXChuTcli 3 ;. Annex, New York