Hollywood (1942)

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Try this flatteringly youthful Coiffure . . . a divided Pompadour with vide Ribbon Bow fastoned on top witb VeLong "Bob Pins that just won't slip out. ... All Bob Pins are NOT Alike ...Try DeLONG on the BLUE Card Hair OFF Face Lips Chin Arms Legs Happy! I hn<] ugly Imir . . . was unloved . . . discouraged. Tried many different products . . . oven r;iz rs. Nothing was satisfactory, rben I dovelopeda ^ i 1 1 1 1 « 1 * • . painless, inexpensive method. 1' worked. I have helped thousands win beauty, love, happiness. My FREE ln.ok, "How to Overcome the SuihtIIuous Hair Problem", explains themothod and provec at tu >i nueri-ss. Maili-d ill plain envelope. Also trial olfer. .No obligation. Write Hue. Annette Lanzette, I'. O box 4040 Merchandise .Mart, Dipt. I "I. Chicugu. ANYTHOTO enlarged Size 8x10 inches or smaller If desired. 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Diana is 50 percent Barrymore, 50 percent common sense. She can be as wacky as her father. She likes to make a bid for attention and she has inherited John's tendency to be uninhibited. In fact, on one occasion when she was particularly obstreperous John snorted: "Stop trying to be a Barrymore!" But basically, she has a sensible head on her shoulders. She knows where she wants to go, and she's going there on her own power. She realizes that being the daughter of the Great Profile has its limitations and she skims them. Of one thing you can be sure: Diana will either make a loud splash in the Hollywood pond, or else she'll vamoose from the scene. She made that clear. "It would kill me to be just so-so," she says energetically. She's a high-strung girl and talks with nervous gestures. "I don't want to be a righteous little ingenue who ends up with a kiss from the hero. I want to do interesting things, like Ida Lupino and Bette Davis. I don't care if they make me look like Charley's Aunt, as long as it's a meaty part." She will probably get her wish, because Diana isn't a pretty-pretty who can get by on looks alone. She has a long, brooding face which she keeps very pale, and dark, unmanageable hair on which there is never a hat. She has the sensitive face of her mother, "But I can make with the eyebrows like Dad and Uncle Lionel," she chortles, and willingly glowers to prove it. She is so intent on making a place for herself that although she is only 21 she has tit-ice given up marriage in favor of — aha! — a career. She became engaged to one boy right after her smart debut. He was a socialite and when he muttered something about expecting his future wife to give up acting after marriage, she promptly returned his ring. There was another boy whom she admitted being in love with just before she received the movie contract, but she relinquished him pronto to heed the call of Hollywood. Now that she is a prominent acting Barrymore herself, she wants to reestablish the old family tradition and she's going to try to persuade her father to stop making those zany little comedies. "They make me sad," she says. "I'd like him to go back to real acting. He can do anything he feels like doing. Maybe we'll even do a picture together. Not a cheap little tweejee for publicity, but a fine film about a father and a daughter." John is hugely proud of his dynamic young daughter. "Quite a girl! I'll soon become known as 'Diana Barrymore's old man,' " he crowed to friends. Maybe he has something there. | YOU MAY ALWAYS BE CONSTIPATED UNLESS You correct faulty living habits — unless liver bile flows freely every day into your intestines to help digest fatty foods and guard against constipation. SO USE COMMON SENSE! Drink more water, eat more fruit and vegetables. And if assistance is needed, take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. 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