Hollywood (1942)

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BROWNED STUFFED POTATOES Peel potatoes. Carve into each a little cave just large enough to hold a babyonion. Roll potatoes lightly in flour and place them in the roasting pan next to the meat. When they begin to brown, put a little butter on each one, and continue browning until tender. About 1 hour for good-sized potatoes. Serve garnished with chopped watercress or parsley. GLAZED CARROTS AND GREEN PEAS Put 4 cups of cooked carrots in saucepan with V2 cup butter and V2 cup sugar. Cook slowly until soft and glazed. Place hot, seasoned fresh peas on a hot serving dish. Surround with the carrots. STRAWBERRY CHIFFON PIE 1 cooled baked 9-inch pie shell 1 tbsp. gelatin \'\ cup cold water 3 eggs % to % cup sugar (depending on sweetness of berries) Vz tsp. salt 2 tsp. lemon juice 1 pt. fresh strawberries (this makes 1 '/a cups crushed berries) Yi tsp. cream of tartar Pie Frosting Vz cup whipping cream A few extra berries Soak gelatin in cold water — about 5 minutes. Beat egg yolks slightly in top of double boiler. Blend in Y4 cup sugar, the salt and the lemon juice. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly — until smooth and thick — 5 to 10 minutes. Blend in the soaked gelatin and crushed strawberries and beat with a rotary beater for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Cool. Chill mixture in refrigerator until thickened — about 5 minutes. Beat mixture with rotary beater until smooth. Stiff Meringue Make a stiff meringue by beating the egg whites with cream of tartar until stiff enough to hold a point, then gradually beating in the remaining sugar — continuing beating until mixture is stiff and glossy. Fold this meringue into the strawberry mixture, and pile lightly into the cooled baked pie shell. Chill in the refrigerator until "set" — about Vz hour. Keep cool until ready to serve. If desired spread stiffly whipped cream over the top of pie and decorate with sliced berries in V formation and the three dots and dash design. PIE CRUST 1 cup all purpose flour (sifted before measuring) Vz tsp. salt Vz cup shortening Ice water (2 to 3 tbsp.) Sift flour and salt together. Cut in shortening with a pastry blender or 2 knives — leaving some of the shortening in lumps the size of giant peas. Add ice water. Sprinkle the water lightly — a little at a time — over the flour and shortening. At first blend it in lightly with a fork; then gather the dough together lightly with the fingertips. As soon as you can make the dough stay together, you have plenty of water in it. Round up the dough on clothcovered board using flour rubbed into cloth to keep dough from sticking. Roll out to fit pan and place in 9-inch pie pan loosely to avoid stretching. Let pan rest on table while cutting off extra pastry — leaving V2 inch extending beyond the edge of the pan. Build up a fluted edge. Prick thoroughly with a fork to prevent puffing. Chill thoroughly and bake 10 to 12 minutes in a very hot oven, 500°. FREE Betty Crocker HOLLYWOOD 1501 Broadway New York City Dear Madam: Please send me a selection of your "WAR-TIME" ecipes. Street City and State Hollywood's best bet for good taste Wally Wostmoro is head of Paramount's make-up department. His good taste is tops in the art of make-up. Here's Wally — behind the scenes, working on a shot for "Dr. Broadway." Hollywood's and all America's best bet for better taste is Pepsi-Cola . . . finer flavored and pure all the way, first sip to last. And when you want a lot, those 1 2 full ounces do the job for a nickel. Give yourself a big treat today ... a Pepsi-Cola. CsU/UM/.. ift tHe 6io 6io 60&&. ...ihats Pepsi-Cola! "A" Pepsi-Cola is made only by Pepsi-Cola Company. Long island City, N. Y. Bottled locally by Authorized Bottlers from coast to coast, if 13