Hollywood (1942)

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m fitofi [Vlarsha Hunt'* bedtime preparations always include a thorough hairbrushing, which keeps her hair clean and lustrous looking ■ Have you ever enviously watched a cat retire for the night? I have, many times. And I honestly don't believe I ever do it without thinking, "It must be wonderful just to curl up and go to sleep when you're tired. The cat doesn't have to wash her face — or cream it — or brush her hair — or scrub her fingernails. Oh, she doesn't even have to undress." But, my, a cat's life is a dull one. And with all the washing and grooming that she does during the day, she can't even have the reward of looking into a mirror and admiring the results of her efforts. That's where we are much more fortunate. A few minutes' beauty workout each night certainly pays dividends, when we look into a mirror. And everybody (unless they're catty) admires that clean, well groomed appearance that results from nightly care of skin and hair and hands. Marsha Hunt, popular young actress, does not for a moment underestimate the importance of a perfectly groomed appearance at all times. And she says the basis of this perfection lies in her nightly beauty routine, which you see pictured here. She would not think of neglecting it, no matter how hard her day has been nor how late she has been kept working at the studio. Indeed, it is on the occasions when she is particularly weary that Marsha feels she gets the most benefit from sticking religiously to her prescribed regime, photographs of which you see on this page. I am sure you will agree with her if you start taking the same care of yourself and watch the gratifying results. Of course, your program would be incomplete without a bath. And whether you do this at night or in the morning, don't just soak in your tub but go to work with soap and bath brush and scrub wholeheartedly. After your bath, guarantee lasting freshness by applying your choice of a deodorant or non-perspirant. Although this personal daintiness step in your retirement program takes but a minute, it is most important. For without it, all your attention to other grooming details is of little avail. Don't neglect it! You're ready for sleep now. And you can relax, happy in knowing that these few minutes of washing and scrubbing and brushing will stand by you — and will work for you while you sleep. As for that cat — well, she's just a pretty, furry, four-footed creature. And she will never have your freshness and sparkle, nor the fun you can enjoy with these pleasing attributes. Turn to page 16 for HOLLYWOOD Beauty Headliners 14 Retirement Plan By MARY BAILEY Hollywood lt«'.-iul v Editor Because she knows the damage done to the complexion by overnight neglect, Marsha Hunt, who is currently playing in MetroGoldwyn-Mayer's Kid Glove Killer, faithfully uses a good cleansing cream to remove her make-up, along with the grime accumulated during her very busy day Soap and water play an all important part in Marsha's bedtime beauty routine. With mild soap and warm water, she lathers her face well and gently uses a complexion brush for stimulation. For softness protection, Marsha lightly massages dry skin cream into her perfectly clean face Marsha knows the value of well groomed hands and nightly she scrubs them with soap and water, drying them carefully and pushing back the cuticle with the towel. With a generous application of hand lotion, she insures the soft whiteness of her lovelv hands /': TO PROTECT YOUR LOVELINESS . . . make good grooming at bedtime your policy. Write for HOLLYWOOD'S May Beauty Bulletin. You'll like the helpful suggestions it offers on end-of-the-day beauty care. Address your letter to Mary Bailey, HOLLYWOOD, 1501 Broadway, New York City. Be sure to enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope for reply. And ask about personal beauty problems on figure, hands, hair or skin.