Hollywood (1942)

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He'd Never Guess Her Age! Itcaiily Heatlliners By MARY BAILEY New kind of face powder makes her look years younger! ONCE this lovely girl looked quite a bit older. For she was the innocent victim of an unflattering shade of face powder! It was a cruel shade— treacherous and sly. Like a harsh light, it showed up every tiny line in her face —accented every little skin fault— even seemed to exaggerate the size of the pores. But look at her now! He'd never guess her age! Is she 19— 50— 35? She has found her lucky shade of (ace powder— the shade that flatters her skin, makes her look young and enchanting. How old does your face powder say you are? Are you sure the shade of powder you use doesn't lie about your age— doesn't say you're getting a bit older? Why take that chance? Send for the 9 new shades of Lady Esther Face Powder today! Try them one after another and let your mirror tell you which is the perfect shade for you! Lady Esther Powder is made a new wayblown by TWIN HURRICANES until it's softer, smoother by far than ordinary powder. That's why its shades and texture are so flattering. Send for all 9 shades Find your most flattering shade of Lady Esther Powder. Mail the coupon for the 9 new shades and try them all. You'll know your lucky shade —it makes your skin look younger and lovelier! FACE POWDER j Lady Esther, 7S | 7130 \V. 65th St., Chicago, 111. I ..end me your 9 new shades of face powder, also . a generous tube of 4-Purpose Face Cream. I enclose 100 tocover cost of packing and mailing. ADDRESS CITY ., -. STATF (If you list in Canada,zurite Lady Esther, Toroi io.Oia.) As a remembrance gift for Mother on her day, why not ehoose one of these wellknown perfumes? You'll find them at your favorite (lime store, all dressed up in frilly, feminine wrapping, appropriate for the occasion. No extra charge for the Mother's Day package and greeting ■ You've probably long wished for one of those handy round-the-neck mirrors, which leave both hands free to arrange the hair or apply make-up. Now you can get a genuine one at a new low price, just a bit over a dollar. Compact and lightweight, it will serve many uses. Stand it on the dressing table, hang it on the wall, use it as a hand mirror and whenever you make up, suspend it round your neck. ■ One of the world's most famous lipstick houses has created a new satinfinish lipstick which answers the need for perfectly smooth and lasting lip grooming. Each of the company's three shades is as clear as before; and the formula calls for the same pure cream base. The new satin finish brings a softer and more flattering glossiness to the lips. It makes the stick easier to stroke on and more lasting. ■ If you're wondering what shades of lipstick and nail polish to wear with your new spring frock, we'll help you. Snip a piece of material from an inside seam and enclose it when you write for your bulletin. We'll send you harmonizing shade names. Write before June I Oth for your copy of HOLLYWOOD Beauty Bulletin for May. It contains many beauty hints and the names of tried and true products. Send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Mary Bailey, HOLLYWOOD, 1501 Broadway, New York City. And ask her advice on your own beauty problems. Hollywood Newsreel [Continued from page 10] ■ Sign in a Hollywood gas station: "Don't smoke around the gasoline tank. If your life isn't worth anything, gasoline is." | That mustache Jackie Cooper wears on the screen for the first time in R-K-O's Syncopation was put there by the make-up department. Jackie grew a real one but it refused to photograph properly. ■ When Mike Curtiz, the English garbling director, first read the script of Warners' recent hit, Captains of the Clouds, he complained to Bill Cagney, the producer, that there were no captains in the picture. Bill tried to explain that in the Royal Canadian Air Force there are no captains, and Captains of the Clouds is the nickname for the R. C. A. F. Mike still did not understand and shook his head sadly, "A picture about captains without captains," he said, "is ridiculous. Why, it's like horse radish without any horses." ■ Gene Tierney wanted to wear a nightgown husband Oleg Cassini designed for her for a scene in Rings on Her Fingers, but the Hays office censors nixed the idea. Too daring. ■ Director Bill Keighley tells the story. Seems Warner Brothers sent out a camera crew to get some authentic Chinatown backgrounds. First stop was a small Chinese laundry. Keighley amiably approached its owner, saying, "Mr. Ching, we came around to make a movie of your shop." The owner got very angry, began to yell, ran into the store and then came out again, waving a piece of paper. "Makee no movee!" he cried. "Makee no movee! Me got lease." Joan Winfield and Faye Emerson, who make their screen debuts in Warners' Juke Girl, do their bit to swell the metal salvage collection on the studio lot. The girls cheerfully donated the many silver cups they have won in various beauty and dramatic contests 16