Hollywood (1942)

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vr: By BLEANOB HA«R^ Headed for .*«*•«£ vnunK Alan Ladd, v.n >0ung Springs, hail* from Hot ~P acUT lUght, a scene ^ndheanlefsUUler . Dacked with at AN-This boyish ac tor J v faA ^VV; f^hich the critics decked aher ag0. talent-whicn thg Sea three y £?§£2S2s,£ then he s playeu step> imp pictures, among there i u j 0j Pan L This Gun for tiireTTAMTLY-None. His P i u „ » certified public acMr. Ladd had been a e ^ ^ painting countant, and was business. ^ ^ gue Carol, his agent, MAInow his fiancee! HoUywood High EDUCITED-At Nor J Ho ^ ^ School, where he sta holds ^ fifty L^Hnd^n f2 he wasawrstu diving champion. »« ^^ to Senior play , like a romantic has green eyes, Won {ace He s itSESt Sgg* Ladd has earned a hVtog, " «very uated irom man. (Ouch!) ^^pLntly entered high school and trlumPSo did Tyrone Universal as an actor. ^ both Power. Four months later ^ thrown out. ^""advertising manager Theater opposite Bette ^ ^ i SOCIAL L^E-His bus me ^ ^g life. His idea o >« screen tests-or tW6lVe S Sue -ound to appointments driving Agent bue mQVies _or seeing and study* ng , deathi he s HOME LIFE-Since ta P-^ ^ ap^t; lived in a one-ro°rn» The waus ment with a Pft'S prints, the tables are covered with Eng Usn P &e book Mh. Hedi Schoup figurines, ^ same car and apartment * . t0 save his ATTITTJI>E ON ""JcS. W.l homj «*