Hollywood (1942)

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NCW under-arm Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration 5. Does not harm dresses, or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. Instantly checks perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor from perspiration, keeps armpits dry. A pure white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. Arrid has been awarded the Approval Seal of the American Institute of Laundering, for being harmless to fabrics. Arrid is the largest selling deodorant . . . try a jar today ARRID jy a jar AT ALL STORES WHICH SELL TOILET GOODS (Alio in 10 cent and 59 cent ian) Don't be a Hideout use Hide-it Wg SEE HOW SKIN -BLEMISHES £\\ VANISH FROM SIGHT! \ A No need to let either temporan' or permanent blemishes spoil your charm. HIDE-IT conceals pimples, birthmarks, freckles, dark under-eye circles, most scars and other blemishes. Lasting . . . harmless . . . used by millions of women. PERFECT FOR POWDER BASE Makes skin look smoother. k Holds powder amazingly long. " Large jar, $1.00 at Drug and Dept. Stores. Purse size at 10c counters-or send us 10c and shade wanted (Light, Medium, Rachelle, Brunette, Sun-tan). CLARK-M1LLHER SALES CO. 308 W. Erie St., Dept 752. Chicago The latest heroine of the Gene Autry thrillers is something new on the Western horizon. She bings, she dances, she acts, and she's plenty exciting. Her name is Fay McKenzie, and her current appearance is in Republic's Heart of the Rio Grande Oomph On the l£«nige By GEORGE HOWARD ■ Up until lately, the millions of small fry who look upon Gene Autry as the White Father in a Stetson have behaved as one. Let there be flashed on the screen a scene in which their idol, looking a mite pained, begins sparking the heroine who invariably reminds them of a nice, wholesome, and rather sweet school teacher they know, and the urchins scowl, mutter "Aw, nuts!" and scamper off to buy a bag of peanuts, hoping Gene will be back in the saddle when they return. Pop into any house showing an Autry movie today, and you wouldn't know it was the same small fry. When the heroine comes on to be romanced by the wonderful Autry, nobody scowls, nobody mutters "Aw, nuts," and nobody goes scampering off to buy peanuts. On the contrary, every little man in the audience holds on to his hat and whistles. Or nudges his neighbor, maybe. The new heroine most emphatically does not remind them of any school teacher. She is electric. She is exciting. She is put together like a roller coaster. In the language of the small fry she is "Some babe!" "Some babe" may or may not be the right tag, but Fay McKenzie is certainly the right girl. With a mere four Autreys to her credit, she is not only the hottest article in Westerns but the only female in Westerns whose box-office voltage would electrocute anything bigger than a cricket. The studio gives Fay fancy billing, theater exhibitors demand all the McKenzie .art available, and the small fry are sending in hundreds of letters asking Gene why he doesn't quit being a dope and, instead of leaving Fay at the end of reel eight, marry the girl. Fay, herself, is bombarded with letters asking for photographs, not just any old photograph, mind you, but "a picture of you in one of your dancing outfits," which is known in the trade as cheesecake. Also, they'd like the picture signed, "To my pal, Bill." Republic Pictures is just as surprised about the McKenzie epidemic as is Gene Autry, who has had a dozen leading 50