Hollywood (1942)

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A woman that men swear by says that's the way it is with all men. More women are happy and beloved because they know what not to say than because they make brilliant remarks. A man wants peace and comfort in his home, not sharp wit and keen observations. He may want to be seen in public with glamour, beauty and fame, but in private he wants femininity, sympathy, encouragement and understanding. We might as well recognize it, a man wants to be admired and pampered and babied. Especially babied, or comforted as he calls it. He wants a shoulder — a 100% feminine shoulder — to rest his head on. If a girl hasn't enough maternal instinct, or patience, for this — by all means she should bury herself in a career. Because she'll never hold a man if she doesn't give him the comfort he wants. If he doesn't get it from his wife, he'll get it somewhere else. And in every town in the country are smart women who make a career of comforting neglected husbands. The most important thing in the world to a man is his wife. Around the selection of that wife more or less revolves his ego. If he has made a bad marriage bargain he loses face with him FOR DEFENSE SAVE THIS MAGAZINE! Here's a simple way in which you can help your country's war effort. When you are through reading this magazine, put it aside and save it. Do the same with any other magazines and newspapers you buy. Magazine paper is an important source of wood fibre, which the government now needs in great quantities to make containers for shells, airplane parts, etc. Your local junk dealer will buy your accumulation of old magazines and papers at an established rate. Phone him when you have more than a hundred pounds. The American Red Cross, the Salvation Army or the Boy Scouts will take any sizeable amount of paper off your hands and see that it is put to use in defense. Do your bit in this easy, but important, way. Save your magazines! FG2J) EFENSE MM BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS f/hM rJitH JBONDS fSl r*J Band stamps self and suffers a blighting sense of futility. The defense mechanism he sets up against that will justify him in anything. No one can ever convince me that marriage isn't a bargain that each side must live up to. And to live up to her side a woman must be able to do the wifely things expected of her. Long red fingernails and a glamour girl reputation don't belong in a kitchen. And a wife being a "pal" to the boys and tossing wisecracks won't bring harmony to a drawing room. And vulgarity won't ever improve the family kennels. A man wants people to respect his wife. She is the weak spot in his armour — his Achilles heel. She should try not to become a regular heel. It is just as easy to make a man proud of you as ashamed of you. Charm and dignity, and a little consideration of his feelings will do this. Because he is usually so childishly anxious to be proud of his wife. A woman is born with all the tools necessary to shape a man's happiness. All she has to be is natural — just a woman. If you doubt this: watch a little girl — before she gets old enough to curb her natural instincts. See how she handles a man. It's really worth watching. ■ SMOKING MEANS INHALING. INHALING MEANS YOU NEED what PHILIP MORRIS alone provides ! All smokers sometimes inhale. But — your throat needn't know it. Here's a vital difference you may not know exists. Eminent doctors compared the leading favorite cigarettes . . . found and reported that: SMOKE OF THE FOUR OTHER LEADING POPULAR BRANDS AVERAGED MORE THAN THREE TIMES AS IRRITATINGAND THEIR IRRITATION LASTED MORE THAN FIVE TIMES AS LONG -AS THE STRIKINGLY CONTRASTED PHILIP MORRIS! That's proved protection— exclusive with Philip Morris — added to your enjoyment of the finer-quality Philip MORRIS tobaccos. No worry about throat irritation . . , even when you do inhale! CALL FOR MORRIS AMSRICAS Mt£ST