Hollywood (1942)

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the trick, but I can't reveal any more about them." He has also patented a fire extinguisher for elegant hotels, apartment houses, etc. Its chief feature is a suede, or leather cover, which makes it easy to handle, less dangerous than the metal cases and infinitely better to look at. Moreover, it can be operated by a child and can be controlled by a simple flick of the thumb. Alan Hale isn't in Hollywood permanently. Actually, he and Mrs. Hale are on their way to Honolulu. They started twenty-four years a~o. They got as far as Catalina once, but returned to Hollywood to wait for more favorable sailing conditions. They'll make it some day. he says. Looking at him today, thick chested, bushy haired, bluff and swashbuckling, you wouldn't think of him as a matinee idol. He was, once, however. He was also a singer and one of the best of the early ballroom dancers. He became a smiling heavy because he figured acting needed more naturalness and less ham and he wanted to pioneer. He started acting because everyone he met told him he should be good at anything he mentioned taking up. He went to the Philadelphia College of Osteopathy and people told him he was the perfect type for an osteopath. He studied engineering at night and others told him he looked more like an engineer than General Goethals. He took up singing and still others said he resembled a combination of Feodor Chaliapin and John McCormick. "Everybody said I looked like everyone I mentioned," he says, "so I said to my mother, who was a concert singer, 'Sam Hill, if I look like all these people, I'll be an actor and make money looking like them.' " Thus a star was born. Then he told of going to New York and sitting in the lobby of the Friars' Club. A little man sat down beside him and asked him what he did. Hale told him he was an actor. He also told the little man he could sing and dance. "My name's Martin Herman," the little man said, repeating one of the great names of Broadway in those days. "Where have you been all my life?" "What do you do?" asked the bland young Philadelphian. "Here's my card," said Martin Herman, who was, incidentally, a brother of Al Woods, the great producer. "Look me up when you aren't snowed under with offers." The following morning Hale was enjoying a bounteous repast of coffee in the Automat when he noticed the Eltinge theater, in which the card said Martin Herman had offices, was next door. He asked the elevator man if Martin Herman worked there, the elevator man looked a little odd and said yes. Upstairs, he asked a secretary the same thing and she smiled vaguely and also said yes. Then he saw a door leading into a room about the size of the Academy of Music in Philadelphia and in it a huge desk behind which sat the little man of the Friars' Club. "Hello," said Hale. "Tell me, what do you do here?" "Are you kidding me?" the little man inquired. [Continued on page 60] A very personal gift to add special meaning to any occasion. Dozens of styles to suit any personality; any room treatment. Roomy, moth-defying interiors of -K" aromatic red cedar. Moth Insurance Policy included with most styles. Ed Roos Co., Forest Park, 111. Sep this ItOOS SPtlteetAetti/ CKOAIl CHEST • featurepriced at leading furniture and department stores, nodern Waterfall design with exterior of hand-matched veneers. Mud YOU CONCEAL LOVELY ARMS and SHOULDERS Jsecaude cd PSORIASIS If so, try SIROIL at once. Don't wait until next week but begin with it immediately — for the sooner you start with SIROIL the sooner may this problem be solved for you. SIROIL tends to remove the crusts and scales of psoriasis which are external in character and located on the outer layer of the skin. If or when your psoriasis lesions recur, light applications of SIROIL will help keep them under control Applied externally, SIROIL does not stain clothing or bed linen nor does it inter fere in any way with your daily routine. It is sold to you on a two-weeks'-satisfaction-or-money-refunded basis. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES Write today for interesting booklet on Psoriasis, using coupon— SIROIL Siroil Laboratories, Inc., Dept. F-6 , Detroit, Mich Siroil Laboratories of Canada, Ltd.. Box 488. Windsor. Ont Please send me your free booklet on Psoriasis. A DD/?£SS_ CITY 59