Hollywood (1942)

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' reproachful ,r\ — buy your personal cDIWepth 1 Step up to your lovorito counter, soy "Bios Cup" — and try the bro on ' You'll be perfectly fitted in one of four basic cup depths — tiny, small, middlin' or full — in your required size, style and fabric. Bias Cup is patented, "locks" the bust gently, firmly in place — but glamorously I c| AA iinnri brassieres lYlUDLL 35B FIFTH AVE.. NEW YORK SEND FOR FREE BEAUTY BOOKIE1, DEPT. 5 $fr£ HOLLYWOOD ENLARGEMENT YOUR FAVORITE PHOTO Fi, Just to set acquainted, we will make — you FREE a beautiful PROFESSION ALr enlargement of any snapshot, photo, kodak picture, print or negative to 5 I 7 inch. Please include ■^ color of t eyes, hair, and clothing for _ !■>■ prompt information on a natural, lifc^ miTuUVv^ like color enlarKemcnt in a FREE mn i J 1 J 1 U \ \W FRAM E to set on the table or dresser. \our onsinal returned with FREE enlargement. Please send 10c for return mailing. .-W; Quit*. Oner limited to U.S. HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS 7021 Santa Monica Blvd., Dept. 263. Hollywood, Calif. NOW CHANGE FROM OLD FASHIONED ROUGE! Go modern with the completely different HAMPDEN'S rouge. This wonderful color cream is so easy to use • blends off to nothing • gives a soft, warm color, even in tone like "nature's blush It's the rouge plus! ROUGEtSTICK 25c in Drug and Dept. stores also 50c & 10c sizes • Over 5 million sold Half ami Hearty [Continued jrom page 59] "Hell, no," said Hale. "Well, I'm Al Woods' brother," Herman said. "Who in heck's Al Woods?" our hero asked, naively. "That," screamed the little man, "is the pay-off. You're an actor, all right. You'd have to be to be that dumb. Here, sign these papers." He signed the papers and from then on, so long as he played on the stage, he worked for Martin Herman and Al Woods. Alan Hale doesn't have to stick to pictures. He's made between fifty and seventy-five thousand a year for fifteen years, he has a paying theater seat business, his fire extinguishers are beginning to sell and he has sound investments. But he likes pictures because there are people around who like to tell stories as well as he does and who pull gags on him, which always floor him. Whereas Humphrey Bogart and Edward G. Robinson made places for themselves as sneering gangsters, Hale has become famous as the rollicking heavy. His robustious good humor, even when he's slicing off an enemy's head with a broadsword or being knocked into a bog by a beautiful glamour boy, has been so beloved of movie audiences for twenty years that he's always had more assignments than he could fill and commensurate earnings. With all his earthiness, Alan Hale is one of the gentlest of men. His affection for his six foot, three inch son, who may be an actor or take over the Hale business interests, as he chooses, is unsual in Hollywood. The long marriage of Hale and Gretchen Hartman is another seven years wonder in the movie colony. He has no clique of friends; he has as many friends as there are people needing his kind of friendship instead. "Life has been good to me because I always said it consisted chiefly in being yourself," he said. "Acting is being yourself, or being natural, and it has kept me busy an awful long time." No one who meets him, after seeing him on the screen, can doubt the truth of this claim. For all his six feet, two inches and two hundred and thirty pounds, you couldn't get enough ham out of him to make a railroad lunch counter sandwich. ■ "MRS. MINIVER" co-starring Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon is next month's entertaining on-the-set story \OlJ can now have stunning, long eyelashes. A Doctor's Formula For Easy, Quick Treatment Promotes Growth E YOU MORE ATTRACTIVE Lon^ eyelashes spotlight your eyes. Everyone looks .11 juui i'.vi--. M;i1lc them more boo mi in k by Lhe new e.isy [.\sii(,Ko nvthoil. Nuilitm; nives u woman such ;i feeling of glamour na long, silky l.T>hes and bright ; nUi.i ,-y,.. All v. .u -lo i ful. I.ASlKifll) j'ently along the edges of tlie litis. Take tlio brush that comes with your outlU and brush the lushes upward. Do this until the lashes reach the desired length. Simple ilir.eiioiis given with your complete set. (10 itoulli ipply I'ay postman only §1 plus postage when he delivers your merchandise and complete instruct ions lor, send § 1 and we pay postage). No C.O.D. to Canada. If not delitrhted vour money back. Just --end name and address to AY VI.ON LANE CO., 17 5 K. Itr.Mduay, l'c]d. lit), New York. • Now, at borne, you can quickly and easily tint telltale BtreakB ol gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Used lor 30 years by thousands of women (men, too) — Brownatone Is guaranteed harmless. No skin test needed, active coloring uccnt is purely vegetable. Cannot aftect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb It in. One application Imparts desired color. Simply retouch as new gray appears. Easy to prove by tinting a test lock of your hair. COc at drug or toilet counters on a money-back guarantee. Kotain your youthful charm. Get, BBOWNATONE today. BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidneys If backache and leg pains are making you miserable, don't just complain and do nothing about them. Nature may be warning you that your kidneys need attention. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids and poisonous waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. If the 15 miles of kidney tubes and filters don't work well, poisonous waste matter stays in the blood. These poisons may start nagging backaches, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, pufliness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent orscanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan'a Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from the blood. Get Doan's Pills. DIAMOND RING (SIMULATED) 1 FREE Matching Wedding Band, Set with Flashing Stones Never before a value like this! A stunning Engagement Ring of yellow or white gold effect. A knockout. y< with a simulated diamond in center. \*^ and simulated diamonds at sides. Get it at the miraculous price of just $1.00. FREE! To introduce this amazing value, we offer a Hatching liana, absolutelv free. Hum! SEND NO MONEY— just name and ring size. 10-day money-back guarantee. Pay postman SI plus few tents postage for ring and get wedding nana FREE. If you send cash with order we pay postage. HARLEM CO.,30 Church St., Dept. R222.N.Y.C. 60