Hollywood (1942)

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NO DULL DRAB HAIR When You Use This Amazing 4 Purpose Rinse In one, simple, quick operation, IOVALON will do all of these 4 important things for your hair. 1. Gives lustrous highlights. 2. Rinses away shampoo film. 3. Tints the hair os It rinses. 4. Helps keephair neatly in place. LOVAlON does not permanently dye or bleach. It is a pure, odorless hair rinse, in 12 different shades. Try IOVALON. At stores which tell toilet goods -nwg^'il 25f for 5 rimes 10e for 2 rimes Don't Let Surface PIMPLESi Get You Down! [JUST DO THIS..., Use Poslam, as thousands do, it's a concentrated ointment that starts to work right away, no Ion j waiting: for results. Apply Poslam Ointment tonight—wash face with pure Poslam Soap — the price is small — the relief great! All druggists. CDCC • Generous ointment sample — write to r K C C . poslam, Dept. G.-S, 254 W.54 St./^.Y.C. SOAP & OINTMENT POSLAM Learn Profitable Profession in OO days at Home ,*riiinif_i ot Men »nd Wonw?n in t fc...iun of Swedish M»*uwc run i hurl, j $40 to f 70 £>or week but many prefer to open tnrlr own offices. L&rce incomes from Doctor*. hotpitnU.ianiInrftim* and private patient* come to those who qualify through our training. The Army and iced hundreds (ruined in muiaze. i for Anatomy Chart* mud booklet •^They're FKEE. --■_ B UTTEtfFL AS A LY WING See how smooth, youthful, alluring your skin looks with hampdens powder base. It helps conceol blemishes, subtly 'tints' your complexion, gives you a flattering 'portrait finish.' POWDA-BRSE 50c also 25c & 10c sizes Over 78 million sold Ilollvwood in Hock [Continued from page 63] what passe Shakespearean actor was hired, at $350 per week, to play a pivotal minor part. Flat broke but as proud as ever, he slept that night in a bus terminal. The next day he hitch-hiked to the studio, where he was fitted with an Elizabethan costume. Returning to Hollywood in costume, he hocked his only suit for a few dollars. With these he purchased enough food to last until his first payday. He slept every night in his dressing room and his costume sufficed for daytime wear. Nobody but the pawnbroker knew how close to the end of his rope this grand old trouper had been. Robert Cummings' stand-in, the fabulous Eddie Reagan, has aspirations to, be a writer. Between pictures, when funds run low but inspiration flames high, Reagan can frequently be found composing short stories, poetry and greeting card rhymes in the storeroom of the Vine Street hock shop where his typewriter is pawned. It says on his ticket that he may have access to the machine whenever the shop is open. Hollywood's most famous hock shop story, one that is known to half the movie colony, concerns the Star, the Director and the Producer. The Star, a notorious ladies' man, was arrested trying to pawn an emerald bracelet belonging to a movie queen. A friendly judge signed a bail order. The Star's buddies, the Director and the Producer, rushed to the police station with funds. As the Star was receiving back his personal possessions from the property clerk, the Director noticed among them an ornate gold cigarette case. He exploded with wrath, pointing an accusing finger at the Star and screaming to the Producer: "Why, the dirty crook! That's the cigarette case I stole from your wife!" John Barrymore, who is making a herculean effort to erase his mammoth debts, describes himself as pawnshop counselor extraordinary to the arts and professions. Two of his close friends, artists and decorators, he always advises to pawn their paints and brushes before undertaking a new commission, thus insuring that at least part of the promised fees will be paid in advance. A partly reformed artist himself, the incomparable Barrymore knows the hock shop as a haven of refuge. In his newspaper days he and a chum used to have many a succulent meal of ham and beans on payday eve with the proceeds of a demountable gold tooth with a hock value of eighty-five cents. This favorite anecdote Barrymore recounted many times to Elaine Barrie, his ultimate bride. "It made an impression on the little woman," he relates. "It made so deep an impression that when we parted, lovable Elaine took one of my gold teeth as a souvenir. With gold selling at $35 an ounce, I have no doubt that my favorite fang is reposing even now on the shelf of some unsanitary Shylock." Don't be embarrassed by a flut, undeveloped or suksIhe Inist. Do its thousniuls of other ivomvn Juai like yourself are doing. Thcv have learned how to bring out the loveliest contours of their figures, whatever their bust faults. Now you, too. can do the same . . safely, easily and positively. HIGHLY ENDORSED BY MANY DOCTORS Your flat bustllne can m be miraculously beautified H Into full and alluring ■ ^K £-. contours. Or. If you are | f <K tbe pendulous type, it can be rounded into high and H Hd* *LL youthful loveliness. All \ you have to do is follow the easy directions on ex erclso, massace, brassieres, diet, etc.. Riven In the :iv it medically -endorsed bonk. "The Complete Guide i" Bus! Culture." Adopt these simple, nelf help measures at onro and your bust will positively appear full. firm and shapely . . . the proud glamorous curves which muke von more desirable than ever. OUR OFFERSEND NO MONEY You enn now ol.Liin this unique hook by A. F. Nlemoellcr A. It.. M.A.. U.S.. nt .1 remark, ihle price reduction. Formerlj S3. 50. Now ontv SI. 98. Guaranteed harmless. Amnzlnf tilt. SEND NO MONEY. Just mall coupon now. I HARVEST HOUSE. 70 Fifth Ave. ?Ocnt. E.Ys2.~Ncw York I Sand the CiiMPI.F.TE GUIDK TO DUST CULTURE in t plain pnekngo. on delivery I will nay postman SI. OS • phi . ■.■-.. ..-in . p.. til'.-, if not -rul-tieil i m«v return ,' It within ten dnya and my SI. US will be refunded. ■ Name .--. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour 2 pints of bile juice into your bowels every day. If this bile is not flowing: freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the bowels. Then gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flowing freely to make you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Take as directed. Effective in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. 10c* and 25cJ. TYPEWRITER ABOUT ! IWFRS. ORIG. PRICE ' ■tfttJ^T" 14c a Day All models completely reconditioned. FULL 2-YEAR GUARANTEE No Money Down— 10 Day Trial Send for FREE price smashing literature In col. us. Shows,-, 1 1 models. See ourlitoraturehcforeyoii buv.SENDTOD.. FREE COURSE IN TYPING INCLUDED. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER EXCH. Dept. 518, 231 W. Monroe St., Chicago. 111. EYELASH DARKENER ' WIM, perspire or cry and always be cerj tain your lashes and brows remain attractively dark. One application lasts 4 to 5 ■weeks. Ends daily make-up bother. Never . runs, smarts, smudges or harms lashes. ^Indelible. CAUTION: Use only as dtected on the label. Try it! Si at department and drug stores.^ INDELIBLE DARK "Dark-Eyes"2110W. Madison St.,DepU0-E -2 Chicago, III.J I enclose 25c (coin or stamps) for generous^ trial package of "Dark-Eyes" and directions. Name. Town . Address Stale . 64