Hollywood (1942)

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QUICK RELIEF SUMMER TEETHING EXPERIENCED Mothers know thai summer Icething must not be trifled with — that summer upsets due to teething may seriously interfere with Baby's progress. Relieve your Baby's teething pains this summer by rubbing on Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion — the aetual preseription of a famous Baby specialist. It is effective and economical, and has been used and recommended by millions of Mothers. Your druggist has it. DR. HAND'S TEETHING LOTION Just rub it on the gums Buy it from your druggist today Rolls Developed 25c Coin. Two 5x7 Double Weight Professional Enlargements, 8 Gloss Deckle Edge Prints. CLUB PHOTO SERVICE Dept. 14 LaCrossc, Wis nz:r FALSE TEETH Clean — New Easy Way RETTO DENTURE CLEANSER quickly removes stains and decoying food par ^ fides without brushing! Banishes "Denture Breath" — leaves mouth refreshed. \ Hundreds of thousands of cans used. Moro for your oney. Insist on Rerto Cleanser and ReHo Adjhesive at IOC and Drug Stores. Sample FREE! 1 RETTO PRODUCTS CO., Dept. - , Cleveland, O. ^V^ Vmproof ^v EYELASH DARKENER C « IM, perspire or en and always be cerLJ tain your lashes and brows remain attractively dark. One application lasts 4 to 5 weeks. Ends daily make-up bother. Never . runs, smarts, smudges or harms lashes \Indelible. CAUTION: Use only as directed on the label. Try it! $1 at departm -lent and drug stores. — INDELIBLE DART" A '-'Dark-Eyes"2110 W. Madison St, DepL30-G -2 Chic I enclose 25c (coin or stamps) tor generous^ trial package of "Dark-Eyes" and directions. Name Town. Address State . 64 Acting isn't Hugh Herbert's only talent. He's an expert cook and likes nothing better than to pop into the kitchens of either of his two farmhouses and whip up a meal. In Hollywood he's as famous for his spaghetti as for his screen antics. Currently he's appearing in Paramounl's Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch Hugh Herbert Dishes It Out By BETTY CROCKER | Frills and fancy cookery? Not for Hugh Herbert! He is a plain dirt farmer at heart, even if he is one of the most popular of Hollywood's movie stars, and has been for an enviable number of years. So, although we all love the unusual and consider it most important to bring variety to the household's menu, we also must have plain dishes that plain men like, and all of that brings us to Mr. Herbert's reputation as a cook. It's no pose with him. He owns two farms, one in the valley just beyond Hollywood, and one away out in the country where his prize pigs and fine cattle are the apple of his eye. And he'll pop into either one of his kitchens and whip up a mulligan stew or a pot of Spaghetti a la Herbert in a jiffy. He had been a very busy man when we were invited over for a spaghetti dinner. With his wife, Mr. Herbert had toured sixteen Army camps — right on the heels of completing a Paramount picture, Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. But our good-humored star is always ready for an excuse to cook dinner. "Dinner" in this case was one dish — -spaghetti, plus some fluffy biscuits — but how delicious! Here is the recipe for something as savory — and simple to prepare despite all the ingredients — as anyone could wish for. SPAGHETTI A LA HERBERT % lb. spaghetti (3 cups uncooked) Vz cup shortening 1 large onion, finely minced % cup finely cut green peppers V2 lb. fresh mushrooms or 1 No. 2 can mushrooms 1 lb. top round steak, ground 2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. sugar 1 No. 2V2 can tomatoes 4 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese (if desired) 3 slices bacon, broiled