Hollywood (1942)

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voices of technicians. Gary Cooper, as baseball hero Lou Gehrig in The Pride oj the Yankees, stands before a microphone to record the memorable Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day speech. The director calls for action. Between sobs, Cooper's voice is heard in the now historic line s — "Most people think I've had a tough break, but today I feel that I'm the luckiest man on the face of the earth." In the darkened corner of the sound stage, another sob is heard as the director calls "cut." A woman is sitting unobserved in a corner of the stage, wiping her eyes with a handkerkerchief. The di_ rector asks Gary Cooper to try the scene again — b u t this time Mrs. Lou Gehrig slips quietly off the set. | Still cameraman Milt Gold tells an interesting story about Ingrid As a swashbuckling, blood-and-lhunder sea dog in 20th Century-Fox's film, The Black Swan, Tyrone Power gets in form for his real life role in Uncle Sam's Naval Reserve. This is Ty's last picture before donning his ensign's uniform ■ L i n a Basquette, the actress Cecil B. DeMille once starred in The Godless Girl, is back in Hollywood after a six months' theatrical tour of Africa, Java and South America during which she was picked up and questioned by the German Gestapo. She was released almost immediately and her story of the episode is one of the year's funniest yarns. Taken to Gestapo headquarters, Miss Basquette was ushered into the office of the local Nazi chief. He was a fierce looking fellow who glared at her from behind a massive desk. She was seated in front of him and for a moment neither spoke a word. Then Miss Basquette broke the deadly silence. "You can't frighten me," she said, "I once worked for Cecil B. DeMille." The interview wound up with the Nazi telling the Successor to the previous Disney masterpieces is R-K-O's Bambi, starring the beloved fawn and his friend. Thumper Bergman's first Hollywood publicity photographs. Her boss, David O. Selznick, said he wanted something different — not the usual movie glamour shots, and assigned Gold to the job. Gold talked it over with Miss Bergman and they decided to let her pose the way she wanted. Then Gold readjusted the lights, and shot the pictures. It was a trick Loretta Young first taught Gold — and a system Miss Bergman has been using ever since. | A writer who had been ill, met a friend on the boulevard and the friend said, "Gee, you look 100 per cent better." "Sh-h-h," said the writer, "if my agent hears this he'll want 10 per cent." B George Sanders won a decision from his studio bosses in Hollywood's latest battle over his role with Tyrone Power m The Black Swan. Sanders plays a pirate and the studio wanted him to wear a grotesque make-up almost as frightening as the one Charles Laughton wore in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Sanders refused, finally won the argument, and his make-up will be only a beard and a small scar on his face. During the argument, the actor tossed off a classic remark. He said: "I don't need any make-up. I've got the natural look of a pirate." Blond, gray-eyed and breathtaking is Ariel Heath, who hails from Kentucky and is soon to appear in R-K-O pictures