Hollywood (1942)

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^litii Sothern Quizzed by hi:li:\ hover Q. How has your friendship with Robert Sterling affected you? A. One thing I know, it's made me athletic. Between golf, swimming, fishing, boating, skiing, ping pong, tennis and skating — I'm a wTeck And I owe it all to him. Q. Would you like to get married again, or has your recent divorce soured you on matrimony? A. Of course, I'll marry again! Q. Are you in love now? A. I often wonder. Q. Who is your closest woman friend, and what qualities make her such? A. Strangely enough, I have two. Mrs. Kay Milland, because of her humor, kindness and understanding. Hedy Lamarr. because she's the direct antithesis of what everyone expects her to be, and a swell gal. Q. What characteristic of film people annoys you the most? A. They're forever talking "shop." Q. With what three men would you choose to be stranded on a desert island? Again proving her good sportsmanship, Ann Sothern, delectable blond star, frankly and amusingly answers HOLLYWOOD'S intimate questions. Ann's in the Metro m u s i c a 1, Panama Hattie Charles Chaplin — for his charm and wit. Franklin P. Adams — to play questions and answers. And I ought to have someone who can cook ! Q. Is it true that you feel the Maisie role is hurting your career and that you'd like to quit the characterization? A. I love Maisie! She has never hurt my career, but has helped it tremendously. 1 hope to do at least one Maisie picture a year. Q. In what way, in private life, do you most resemble Maisie? A. It was in Minneapolis. 1 saw a stage play and got a young girl's crush on the leading man, who was rather elderly. Later I met him at Mother's house. He greeted me by kissing me on the cheek. I had a feeling of mingled awe, admiration, bewilderment and the realization that I must be growing up. Q. In what respects are you snobbish? A. Gee, I hate that word. I know from experience that I have often given the impression of being snobbish without ever intending to do so. I guess people with upturned noses look haughty. Q. What is your greatest extravagance? A. Shoes and hats — or what they claim are hats. Q. Your greatest economy? A. Having a flower garden and never cutting the flowers because they're so pretty in the yard. I'm really stingy about those flowers. atvd a A. Bing Crosby — to sing to me. A fc<* e%' A. We both always seem to be getting into hot water. Q. What bad habit have you which annoys your friends? A. Practicing First Aid on them. I had a party the night before I took my test for Advanced First Aid and I practiced bandaging on George Murphy, Mai and Ray Milland. My poor guests spent the entire evening tied up in bandages. A not-so-good-time was had by all — except me. Q. What do you remember about your first kiss? , at>»°?s „»Uev>eS , „t otve ..v. batvd*»e Bob St£oWetl°U A. I do — now. Q. Do you believe that riage and a career can't . mar a career can't mix? Q. Who is the most interesting conversationalist you have ever met? A. Charlie Chaplin. He can talk charmingly and authoritatively on almost anything. Q. Have you a nickname? A. Yes, and it's "Pluto." Hedy La marr gave it to me because she thinks I have sad eyes like Pluto in the cartoons. Q. How has Hollywood changed you, physically and mentally? A. It has broadened me mentally. But not physically — I hope! 32