Hollywood (1942)

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Veil. And with this photoplay, Keye went from an artist on canvas to an artist on the silver screen. Following his Garbo debut, Keye went into Charlie Chan in Paris and then accompanied his illustrious screen father in nine pictures. Not all of his work has been done in the Chans. Some of his films were Oil for the Lamps of China, The Good Earth, International Settlement, Mr. Moto's Gamble, North of Shanghai, The Green Hornet, The Phantom of Chinatown. In discussing native Chinese drama, Keye asked, "Did you know that the theater in China had a royal birth?" "Royal birth?" "That was in the eighth century. Ming Huag, the emperor, pleased with the declaration of love made by his consort, Yang Kuei-fei, China's most famous beauty, ordered a pageant in her honor which was to tell the story of the nation's great history. "Following the performance, the emperor established a college for the training of both boys and girls in music and dramatics. Although some types of mimicry and acting go back almost to earliest recorded history, the actual birth of the Chinese theater was because of young Kuei-fei's love for the emperor." Keye Luke, like most of his race is comparatively short, five feet six. He is somewhat slightly built, weighing some 140 pounds. In spite of his slight build, when chided by a director for pulling his punches in a fight scene, he let fly a sock which knocked out an actor who was 60 pounds heavier than himself. Another time he spent four months training to be a good swimmer for Charlie Chan at the Olympics, but when time came to shoot the scrirjt, the director decided to eliminate the swimming sequences. ■ For Charlie Chan at the Opera, he studied voice and actually warbled a bit in the picture. He took his music seriously, studying for a year with Alexander Mirsky, former Metropolitan Opera singer. For one of the Chan series Keye had to kiss his leading lady, and had a terrible time overcoming the instinctive Chinese aversion to kissing. He was very shy about the whole thing, but the director was firm, so Keye had to go through with it, tradition or no tradition. But even his screen career hasn't been able to tempt the Honorable Luke away from his art work. He goes around the film mecca making pen and ink sketches of the great and near-great. Along with his painting, and he has been called "The Chinese Beardsley," Keye is somewhat a master of a language or two. His English is perfect as is his Cantonese and Chinese. Oddly enough, he reads French and speaks Spanish, but can not speak French or read Spanish. Keye doesn't have much preference as to Chinese or American dishes. He enjoys a hamburger smothered in onions as much as almond duck smothered in apricot sauce. Keye is one of the most popular young actors in Hollywood, a combination of the best in old China and new America — a great tradition with a new perspective. £ This is how lovely Arthur Murray Dancer looks "in action" to high-speed camera ■■'" Jean Kern enchants partners the year round ■with her dream-girl daintiness and charm. . . . Flower Fresh — the Arthur Murray Way • Plenty of rhythm, plenty of charm — that's what Arthur Murray dancers are made of! Their jobs depend on their charm. And they depend on Odorono Cream to guard against underarm odor and dampness. We think you'll be just as enthusiastic as they are. Non-greasy, non-gritty, smooth as satin — Odorono Cream stops perspiration safely up to 3 days! Won't irritate skin or rot dresses ; no waiting to dry — just follow directions. Get a jar today! Big 10(4, 39(4 and 59s* sizes. The Odorono Co., Inc., New York Si#> tPERs •^ . v >•-» 1 FULL OX. J*R .-ONLY 39* rO 3 DAYS „ * ,r Odorono Cream WILL NOT IRRITATE your Skin 35