Hollywood (1942)

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New-type Ingredient in Halo Shampoo Scientifically Glorifies Hair TODAY the smartest girls are no longer "soaping" their hair. From beauty experts they have learned how to glorify it, reveal all its thrilling natural beauty with modern Halo Shampoo. You see, all soap or soap shampoos, even the finest, leave a dulling soap-film . . . film that makes hair look drab and dull. But Halo contains no soap, therefore cannot leave soap film! Halo's creamy cleansing lather comes from a new-type ingredient — a patented ingredient that means exciting new beauty for your hair. Even in the hardest water, Halo rinses away completely. No need for a lemon or vinegar afterrinse. Halo removes loose dandruff, too. Leaves your hair easy to set or curl, lovelier to look at than you dreamed .possible. Get Halo Shampoo at any toilet goods counter. 10* and larger sizes. A product of Cotaate-Palmolive-Peet Co. MAKE MONEY ans exciting new luol Turn score time into CASH! Show friends, neighbors magnificent Personal Christmas Cards. 46 exquisite designs— from 50 for SI. 00 to 25 for 51.95. Seta ■■■ n offers Business, Etchings. Humorous. ,;. i .■ <■' Also !■' :■: A.-, ■.■r-r-u-r:., .>i..;it ■ Yiilu.--." 21-Card Assortment only SI. 00 — your profit SOc. Famous Currier & Ives Asst.. Gift no Cabinet. Many others. Take easy orders evervTvhere-big profits. Write for FREE SAMPLES Personal Cards, and ' 'superValue" bo.t on approval. WALLACE BROWN. INC. 225 Fifth Ave., Dept. M-98. New York Walter Huston, senior partner of Hollywood's most famous father-son combination, claims no credit for John's recent success, but he's very proud of him, nevertheless. Above: He's shown with Mr>. llu-ion Dad'i Boy II V iion ii aii ■ John Huston's checkered career reads like something he might dream up for one of his own scenarios. He was a professional boxer, actor, cavalryman, writer and artist before he became a director, and he draws on all those experiences for his current work. There are few directors in Hollywood as well-liked by actors as John Huston, with the result that he gets good results with a minimum of retakes. He seldom shoots a scene more than three times; some directors use twenty or thirty "takes" as a matter of habit. "There are lots of phony directors in Hollywood, but John is not one of them," says tough guy Humphrey Bogart, and Bogie is not the man to hand out verbal orchids without reason. "He doesn't direct much but draws out the best in his cast. He appreciates the problems of the actor, because he has been one himself. He's Complete with TRIMAL ' WELL-MANICURED CUTICLE VVTRAP cotton around the end of an orangewood ** stick. Saturate with Trimal and apply to cuticle. Watch dead cuticle soften. Wipe it away with a towel. You will be amazed at the results. On sale at all cosmetic counters. Trimal Labs., Inc., Los Angeles. quiet, calm and patient. He's tolerant, too. John's a great guy." Bogie, you know, had the lead in The Maltese Falcon and also in Across the Pacific. In fact, the second picture has the identical cast as the former, although it is not a sequel. You might call it a companion piece, with Bogie, Mary Astor. Sidney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre now tangling in international intrigue and espionage instead of San Francisco murder mysteries. Another member of the cast, but in a bit part, is Walter Huston, for he has been in each of his son's pictures. It started as a good-will gesture, with his bit as the sea captain in the Falcon, and has continued as a precedent. There is that sort of feeling between the Hustons. They have terrific pride in each other's work, although they never bore anyone by talking about it. They love to work and play together, and they share many of the same interests. Walter claims he has had nothing to do with John's success. "Even when John was a small boy I knew he was the type who had to work things out for himself," says Walter reflectively. "He always did things the hard way, and I let him work out his own destiny, without interference. Certainly I'm proud of him! He's a success, and by his own efforts!" John's childhood and schooling were informal, for he wandered the country over with his actor-father. When John reached high school age, Walter believed a little regular schooling might be in order. John 36