Hollywood (1942)

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You can't get away from the word "contests" and Rosemary; it keeps popping up in unexpected places. In John Marshall High School, for instance, she took the commercial course with emphasis on typing, shorthand, business English, etc. Such a background, she felt, was a good ace in the hole. So — she won the California high school typing contest sponsored by the board of education, with 120 words per minute, which is twenty-five less than the world record, and then went on to win the coveted gold pin for shorthand. It was a couple of years ago that Rosemary really got down to business about her future. Up until then she had been acquiring numerous wrist watches, trophies by the dozens and a little cash now and then for being Miss Cinderella, Best Business Girl, Miss Bathing Beauty of 1938, Miss Popularity, and so forth. In August of 1940 she agreed to enter the Miss California contest, not because she thought she had a chance, but because it would please her mother, who. incidentally, is a beauty herself. The Miss California winner automatically becomes a contender for Miss America at Atlantic City. A ravishing appearance in a bathing suit is only one of the requirements; the entrant also must qualify as to appearance in an evening gown (for grace and personality) ; and in the talent division via singing and dancing. Rosemary became Miss California and went to Atlantic City. There she won the trophy for Miss Personality and Prettiest Girl in a Bathing Suit but lost out on Miss America of 1840 by one vote! It was a tie for five hours at that. Back she came to California, one day late for school. Already plans for a second try at the title the following year were buzzing around in her head. Between buzzes, however, she managed to keep fairly busy in school. At any rate, by the time she was graduated the following June she had been elected an Ephebian (one of the ten students with the highest scholastic grades plus popularity) . In August she again entered the Miss California contest, having first qualified by winning the title Miss Los Angeles and Miss American Legion. The night of the finale Rosemary did her talent stint — a fast tap dance routine — in pouring rain on a floor covered with huge puddles of water! Her short red chiffon skirt drooped crazily and her soaked hair was plastered over both eyes by the time she was through — but Rosemary LaPlanche emerged Miss California! Back she went to Atlantic City, a tight little ball of determination and hope. Quickly (and smartly) she became known as The Girl in Blue because every outfit — bathing suit, talent costume and evening gown — was fashioned in a luscious shade of that color. Again she won the preliminary titles of Miss Personality and Prettiest Girl in a Bathing Suit, and then at last the great moment was at hand. Forty thousand people strained to catch the judges' verdict. Rosemary was like ice inside. Then the words came. "Ladies and gentlemen, we give you Miss America of 1941 — Rosemary LaPlanche!" It was then she began to cry. After thrilling months in New York, where she made numerous theatrical appearances, modeled for John Powers, fulfilled commercial obligations and otherwise reaped the reward of being Miss America to the tune of $15,000, Rosemary returned to Hollywood. A few weeks later she was at work on her first movie with Jimmy Rogers (Will's son) and Noah Beery, Jr., for leading men. Soon she will begin her second picture. Meantime — "Every time President Roosevelt makes a speech on the radio I take it down in shorthand," Rosemary said. "You know, to keep in practice. Just in case." A new romantic screen twosome are Olivia de Havilland and Robert Cummings. This attractive combination appears in Warners' forthcoming Princess O'Rourke GIRLS! DON! GIVE UP IF YOU'VE GOT A POOR COMPLEXION Here's grand way that has helped improve complexions of thousands of women • If you're blue and discouraged because of your complexion; if you think you're doomed to go through life with an unsightly looking skin— this may be the most important message you've ever read. Thousands of women who felt just as you do have been thrilled beyond words to see the noticeable improvement Noxzema has made in their complexions. Why it does so much One important reason for Noxzema's benefits is this: Noxzema is not just a cosmetic cream. It's a soothing, medicated cream that not only quickly helps soften and smooth rough, dry skin —but also aids in healing externally-caused skin blemishes! And it has a mildly astringent action, too. Try using this snow-white, greaseless cream for just 10 days. See if it doesn't help make your skin softer, smoother, lovelier! SPECIAL OFFER! For a limited time you can get the big 75<? jar of Noxzema for only 49<j* (plus tax). Take advantage of this Special Anniversary Offer and give Noxzema a chance to help your complexion. Get a jar at any drug or department store today!