Hollywood (1942)

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Don't jusi suffer the igoniziqg pztn. torn timplc piles Remember, tor over ihirtj PAZO ointmcni has given prompt, comforting i millions. It gives you soothing, welcome palliative relief. How PAZO Ointment Worlts I. Soothes inflamed ircaa— relieves pun and itching, 2. Lubricates hardened, dried parts— helps prevent cracking and soreness. (.Tends to reduce sue II my and check bleedmi;, i. Provides .1 quick .mj cas) method of application. Special Pile Pipe (or Easy Application PAZO ointment has .1 spcciall) designed, perforated Pile Pipe, making application simple in J thorough. (Some persons, and man) doctors, prefer to use suppositories, >u PAZO is also made in suppository form.) Get Relief with PAZO Ointment! Ask your doctor about wonderful PAZO ointmcni jnJ the soothing, blessed relief it gives fot simple piles. Get PAZO ointment from your druggist to The Grove Laboratories, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. FOR YOUR CLUB! Beautifully Slyled-Low Prices She-* 100 .!,!.., i lUiHin Chili— irfwiCHWlHiMil No ordrr ,o tmjlL Qu*lit> U*d* BASTK* BROS, fcpt ■» Hochestcr, H r. as 50% ASK FOR TALLY CLEARS SKIN FAST! Ugly pimples, blackheads, blemishes and Itch inc. skin rashes, impctlco. rlnEunrrtt, era often milckb rellered Ij lieu medicated TAl.l.V SOAP. Th< rery llrxt liar of 7'iUv Soap must shon ;i> much improvement or the money will he gladly refunded. TAI I V CHAD AT LEADING CHAIN DRUG I ALL! oUHr and department stores SOAP CO.. 207 N. MICHIGAN. CHtCACt CORNS GO FAST Pain Sent Flying! Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads iostantly stop tormenting shoe friction; lift aching pressure; give you fast relief. Ease tight shoes; prevent corns and sore toes. Separate Medications included for quickly removing corns. Cost but a trifle. D^Scholls lino pads ■ Many a movie star has a skeleton in the family closet, but Leslie Brooks has a bathing suit in hers. "From now on the knees stay covered," she declares emphatically. "I've traipsed around in so many bathing suits and sequined scanties that I've practically developed carbuncles on my knees." For a while Leslie was in danger of being typed as a curvacious cutie, for her role in You Were Never Lovelier is mostly decorative. But immediately after her stint in that opus was seen by the wise heads of Columbia Studios, she was promptly put into City Without Men, where her chores stress the dramatic rather than the show girl. This makes Leslie very happy, because it completes her transition from good-time gal to just plain good. Being pert-faced and possessing a topography that has got her photographed more frequently in the almost-altogether than any other starlet, Leslie was pursued by the candid camera boys and the Hollywood stags and came perilously close to being classified as a hey-hey girl whose ambitions were confined to Ciro's dance floor. Her name was Lorraine Gettman then, and she was the favorite belle of Burgess Meredith, Franchot Tone and other gentlemen who have a connoisseur's eye for beauty. She used to dance until three and sleep until noon, and was rewarded for this accomplishment by the envy of other girls, a few wilted orchids and a screen career that was skidding along in neutral. "Some girls who want to crash pictures think it's a smart idea to be seen with eligible men on the night club circuit. Well," she said, raising a shoulder quizzically, "maybe it is for some, but it never worked that way for me. It didn't do anything but wear me down. Sure, I used to meet producers and directors that way, but when they saw me in the night spots 62