Hollywood (Jan - Mar 1943)

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LADIES! DIAMOND RING SIMULATED GIVEN AWAY! 1 .10 Matching Wedding Band, Set With Flashing Stones Never before a value like this! A stunning Engagement Ring. Choice of 14K yellow gold finish or white gold effect or genv uine sterling silver. A knock\ out, with a simulated diamond in center, and simulated diamonds at sides. Get it at the miraculous price of just $1.10. GIVEN AWAY. To introduce this amazing value, we offer a Hatching Band absolutely without cost. Hurry! SEND NO MONEY — just name, and ring size. 10-day money-back guarantee. Pay postman $1.10 plus 20c C.O.D. Charges ($1.30 total) for ring and get wedding band without cost. If you send SI. 10 with order we pay all charges. You save 20c. Write today. HAREM CO., 30 Church St., "The House of Rings" Dept. R 297, New York The Clean, Odorless Way to mMTSBRF Carry Lechler's VELVATIZE in your pockethook, use it any time, anywhere. So easy and clean — odorless — no muss, no bother — nothing to wash off. NOT a depilatory. Comes in a smart pastel compact. Effective on chin, cheeks, upper lip, arms and legs. No stubby regrowth. Enough for ~~ FULL SEASON'S USE Send name and address today. Enclose only SI. OO, we pay postage. Or C.O.D. plus few cents postage Sent by return mail in sealed plain wrapper. ieci/er's. VELMATIZE House of Lechler, Dept. 261, 560 Broadway, New York city Learn Profitable Profession in QO days at Home Larnincre of Men and Women in ti profession of Swedish Maaeage run aa high as $40 to 570 per week but many prefer to open their own offices. Large incomes from Doctors, hospitals, sanitariums and private patients come to those who qualify through our training. The Army and Navy need hundreds trained in massage. Write for Anatomy Charts and booklet— They're FREE. THE College of Swedish Massage 100 E.Ohio St., Dept. 161, Chicago SONGWRITERS We want your song or song poem. Melodies written for songs, poems without charge. We also revise, record and market your song. We have helped others, why not you? Send your song or poem today for free exam, and details. Hollywood Recording Studios Dept. 10 B, Box 87, Preuss Sta., Los Angeles, Calif. GUARANTEED RINGS srling silver birthstone ri: or sparkling white stone ring ; or lovely filigree ring with ruby color set; FOR selling 4 boxes Rosebud Salve at 25c each. Send No Money. Order 4 salve today. Post Card will do. ROSEBUD PERFUME CO., BOX 26. W000SB0R0, MARYLAND *t^~ DUE TO CAVITY \JTET QUICK, amazing relief! Use Dent's Tooth Gum or Tooth Drops. Be prepared for sudden cavity toothache. It often occurs in the middle of the night, especially where there are children with first teeth. So, keep Dent's Tooth Gum or Dent's Tooth Drops in your medicine cabinet, ready for instant use. Follow easy directions. At druggists. DENTS TOOTH GUM TOOTH DROPS Lupe Velez' fiery temper is notorious. Hollywood agrees she gets away with murder. But Lupe never blows up without a reason. She's in R-K-O's Ladies Day By CONNIE CURTIS ■ Lupe Velez was furious. She was burning mad. The studio had assigned their hairdresser to her when she wanted her own girl, Lillian. "That Lupe," observed an actress in the film, "she always wants her own way. Always fighting, always in a temper about something." Lupe was in a temper, but it wasn't the peevish, actressy kind of temperament. Lupe's mind works primitively, almost like a child's. Lillian had been her hairdresser for years, was her friend, had stuck with her a long time and it is Lupe's credo that she must fight for those who are not powerful enough to fight for themselves. But the studio had its rules and insisted that its own hairdresser, and not Lillian, must be employed to care for Lupe's tawny mop during production of the picture. "All right," stormed Lupe. "If I can't have Lillian, I weel have no one. I do my hair myself." When Lupe walked out on the set the first day, the director grasped his chair in amazement. Lupe's coiffure resembled that of a wild banshee! "We can't photograph you like that!" groaned the director. Lupe smiled sweetly. Very sweetly. "Very sorree. That is the best way I can curl my hair. Maybe Lillian can fix ic up to look nice again, eh?" Lupe won. She usually gets what she wants one way or another. For fifteen years, ever since she was discovered by Douglas Fairbanks and battled with him during the filming of The Gaucho, Lupe's been getting away with murder. Larrupin' Lupe, the Mexican Wildcat, Spitfire — these and a dozen similar nicknames identify Hollywood's stormiest petrel. For years you've been hearing these wild stories about Lupe and her famous fights with other stars. Whoopee Lupe's earned a reputation for being an uncontrollable hellcat who thinks nothing of lashing out 58