Hollywood (Jan - Mar 1943)

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"BC" contains not just Q/ie but several effective ingredients that dissolve quickly and act in a hurry Use only as directed on the package. 10* and 250 SEAL-COTE Sensational New Aid To LONGER NAILS v SEAL! COTE I • SEAL-COTE is amazing! A thin coat applied daily over your polish quickly forms a crystal-hard, microscopically-thin transparent film that gives protection to nails. Seal-Cote also protects polish from chipping and fraying — adds lustre. 25* at Cosmetic Counters SEAL-COTE Seal-Cote Co.. Hollywood. Calif. | Louise Allbritton turned a corner of the Universal commissary and ran smack into the stocky figure of Lou Costello's brother. Completely dead-pan, he sank to his knees on the ground and began salaaming. Not everyone on the Universal lot will go to such lengths, but they all feel the same about Allbritton. She's the swellest thing that's hit the town in years. If the studio workers like someone, you can usually depend on her being a regular girl. Allbritton is. She's not only the delight of the men behind the cameras, but of the bosses. For the girl can act. Wait until you see her in the new Marlene Dietrich picture, Pittsburgh. Allbritton's a part of the new Hollywood. She prepared for her career. Regardless of the fact that she's beautiful, ability got her into the movies, and Louise Allbritton is not only the darling of her home state, but is hailed the most likeable girl on the Universal lot. Left: A scene from Pittsburgh ability will keep her there. She comes from Texas. Wichita Falls, to be exact. (And you know how terrific they grow 'em in Texas!) Her father is the owner of all the transportation in the town, and also vice president of a trans-continental motor coach outfit. So Louise has always had pretty much what she wanted in the way of money, and a Hollywood salary is not going to change her in the slightest. She got the acting germ when she was a freshman in high school. At that point, her mother (who was from Missouri) decided that something should be done about her daughter's Texas drawl and prescribed a public speaking class. The professor of this department also coached the school plays, and slapped her into a wisecracking, sophisticated part he had handy, muttering, "You have a future, my child!" That began it. From then on, Louise 52