Hollywood (Jan - Mar 1943)

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Code in Your Dote? Udhl 5CRATCHV HANKIES ALWAYS played havoc with My nose, but now i use soft, soothing Kc&/vex Tissues. BOy— WHAT A RELICFi (/row a Utter by E. P., San Francisco, Calif.) v_ Sheer Today* Gone Tomorrow! AFTER LAUNDERING I WRAP My DELICATE SILK 5TOCKINGS IN KLCENEX. IT HELPS PREVENT RUNS AND SNASS/ (from a Utter by H. F. W., Pontiac, 111.) Jims rt/epfi/Afcsor wx/is r/li. MOM GOTAl££/V£X* \ few *rf 1 KLEENEX SiRVA-TISSUE BOX 5mmfs Ttssues. SAVES MONGY BECAUSE IT SERVES UP JUST ONE DOUBLE TISSUS AT A T/M6 •T. M. R«9. U. S. Pol. Off. RHEUMATISM • ARTHRITIS NEURITIS • Get Mendenhall's Number 40 from your druggist or by mail postpaid for $1.25, Money back if first bottle fails to satisfy. J. C. MENDENHALL MEDICINE CO. Dept. 21 Evansville, Indiana SONG POEM WRITERS I te tor tree inspiring booklet outlining profit sharing plan. Remarkable changes in music industry give new writers more chance than ever before. Send poems or songs for free report. ALLIED MUSIC CORPORATION Dept. 7» 204 East Fourth St. Cincinnati. Ohio CarttSLZEPQ Maybe It's NERVES Q Don't take the day's worries to bed with you — good advice but hard to follow when we're Nervous and Restless. DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) helps to relieve nervous tension, to permit refreshing sleep. Why don't you try it when you are Nervous, Cranky, Restless? Get it at your drug store— Liquid, 25c and $1.00. Effervescent Tablets, 35c and 75c Read directions on the package and use only as directed. Miles Laboratories,Inc.,Elkhart,Ind. D R. ERVI Under Contract— to the Marines [Continued from page 46] thought I was a writer, so I felt that I needed to see "Life." I had signed on a freighter from New York, filled with visions of exotic lands. What I saw on that voyage through the canal and up the west coast was the inside of a churning, heaving, odoriferous tub. Jonah, compared to me, had accommodations in the Bridal Suite of the Queen Mary. When we docked I wanted to kiss the mud flats. Meanwhile, I had heard a good deal about the behavior of Hollywood toward inductees from the New York stage. Frankly, on my return visit I was prepared for a dragon's den and was all set to be crushed by an avalanche of indifference. To my gradual and sweet surprise I found everyone friendly, interested and eager to be of help. I sat around for four months, waiting for an assignment — or for some critical activity from my draft board — but nothing happened until I was cast in Doctor Broadway, I had just finished it and was set for Take a Letter, Darling, when I had a call from my California board. It seemed that there had been some delay in getting my papers transferred from New York, but now I was to appear for another check-up. This time I was assured there would again be a slight delay for station identification. After the second picture was finished, we gave up our house in Beverly Hills, and went back to New York. Here we were told there would be a further delay in my induction, so I hurried back to the coast alone to work in Wake Island. That picture hit me hard. I began to think, eat and sleep Marine Corps. But when I went through my physical for the Marines, what do you think happened? The Navy doctors found that I was color blind! • Have you ever planned on something with your whole heart? Have you ever talked something up to yourself until it has assumed the stature of a colossus in your mind? Then you'll know how I felt about losing a part in the cast of this biggest of all shows, It might have been easier to bear if Betty had been with me, but she was in New York. I talked it over with some of my friends and one of them told me about the Bates Method, a system of eye-training and relaxation that works wonders. I wrote to Betty, telling her that there was no way of knowing how long I'd be here, and that I needed her — so please come home. Then I set to work under the instruction of a Bates Method teacher in an attempt to cure my trouble. The results were amazing. I couldn't believe it myself. Within a few weeks there was a great improvement. It began to be a race between my eyesight and the Army. Now the Army is fine — one of my brothers is a lieutenant; and the Navy is splendid — his twin is an ensign. But the Marine Corps was for me. Besides, I'm just sentimental enough to want a Carey in each branch of the service. 50