Hollywood Motion Picture Review (1944)

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Custom Tailors FOR LADIES and GENTLEMEN Haberdashery 13350 Ventura Blvd. Studio City WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY Expert Watch Repairing Radios Keller's Jewelry Co. CREDIT JEWELERS 1804 North Vermont Avenue HOLLYWOOD 27, CALIFORNIA MOmingside 1-0809 Where the Celebrities Meet 8447 Santa Monica Blvd. Phone: HI -9988 A1 Quodbach’s GRANADA CLUB Fine Food and Liquor 1626 NO. LA BREA Hollywood 9475 Expert Watch Jewelry Repairing to Order COLUMBIA JEWELERS Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry 1442 No. Gower £t. Hollywood 28, Calif. SAM ABRAMS GRanite 3262 Also Catering — for all occasions GL 2640 HUGOS At 1638 No. La Brea Where you get those Famous Talked. About Hot Dogs Open Till 2 A.M. P.S. — Also our new Coffee and Doughnut Bar in the Annex. PUNCH SOLOMON jnnnonnnnnnnnnnn □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a BOWL The Whittier Sports Arena opens its doors to weekly boxing and wrestling shows. Located in the City of Pico which is a short distance from Los Angeles going east, it’s the ambition of Promot¬ ers Dewey Levins and Howdy Cooper to give fistic followers some real club fights. George Leonard was made matchmaker and will run boxing every Monday night. They will feature a 6-round main event, 6round semi-final and four slam bang 4-rounders. Prices will be $1, $2, $3, plus tax. The first show will take place on Feb. 11. Hugh Nichols, who has given Hollywood some fine wrestling bouts will run wrestling every Thursday night and will feature the same name wrestlers that he gives Hollywood. Figures just released, show that cauliflower industry grossed over $13,000,000 in 1945. This is an increase of over $3,000,000 of the estimated 1944 total. Madison Square Garden in New York led the parade with $2,263,259. The State of California ran second with $1,984,363 of which Los An¬ geles drew well over the million dollar mark. Olympic Arena did $638,000, Ocean Park $158,000 and Hollywood with $405,600 (all gross figures). San Francisco came up with $202,599 net against Oak¬ land which netted $284,830. One can readily see that this is the reason for eastern fighters want¬ ing to settle here and bigger and better matches are in store for us. Pico Pico, a Mexican heavy¬ weight is now in the Wirt (One Shot) Ross stable conditioning himself for the next thirty days at Sopers Ranch. Don Lee and Jackie Ryan ran out with Frank Angustine, so Frankie is goinghome for a rest to El Paso, Texas and will be back in March to face Earl Turner. Genaro Rojo is back in training again at Willie Orner's Main St. gym. George Tolson will act as chief adviser of Jackie Wilson. Irving Rosee is being groomed to follow the footsteps of Uncle Mike Jacobs when he retires. Ruby Goldstein is ranked in New York as one of the best referees in the nation. Jack Dempsey will defi¬ nitely build another large arena in New York, which will cost in the vicinity of $10,000,000, seating 30,000 for boxing. How can the east¬ ern sport writers call Mickey Doyle, who weighs 160 lbs., a second Mickey Walker when he just got stopped by Ruben Shanks. Harry Winkler has a great look¬ ing prospect in Jackie McCoy and we are looking forward to a match with Fabella Chavez, one of the hottest and most sought bouts. West Coast managers are in favor of the N.B.A. and New York Commission getting together in ruling of one champion. Match¬ makers Babe McCoy and Jimmy Murray are on their way for a long delayed vacation to Palm Springs. Jack Renault has taken over the training duties of Suey Welsh’s new heavyweight Louis O’Gibway. Henry Armstrong has entered his 15 year old sensation Keith Nuttall in the Kansas City Golden Glove tournament as a fly¬ weight. Roy Miller is going great guns in Kansas City, holding Ru¬ ben Shanks to a draw last Mon¬ day, drawing 8,000 fans. Future Fites: At Hollywood — Feb. 8, Roscoe Scally vs. Lou Bernal; Feb. 15, Manuel Ortiz vs. Eli Galindo; Feb. 22, Jack Chase vs. Mad Anthony Jones. At Olympic — Feb. 12, Memo Llanes vs. Bobby Yeager; Feb. 19, Enrique Bolanos vs. Chalky Wright. At Ocean Park — Feb. 11, Ken¬ ny Watkins vs. Jimmy Richards. Enrique Boianos goes to Soper’s Ranch for 10 days of hard train¬ ing before taking on Chalky Wright. Maxie Temkins has pur¬ chased the contracts of Leonard Johnson, Gene Loughridge and Leo Miller figuring they will go a long way in the paid ranks with Johnny Gray training them. GR. 8324 EDDY P. DERKELEY u, HJ S Wl 1539 N. McCadden Place ^JoyS with JPerSonahitij 1 Hollywood 28, California Lucey’s Restaurant (Open 9even days a week) % 652 N. Windsor Blvd„ Cor. Melrose Ave. IIO-5166 SPORTS CLUB Suey Welch Bob Hunter Bud Taylor 518 So. Hill St. MA-5559 Dave’s Blue Room FROM BROADWAY TO HOLLYWOOD “Open all nite every nite” 9039 Sunset Blvd. Near Doheny Drive Dinners $2.45 up. . Serving the finest food in America. FRED'S CLUB RHYTHM Open Nightly ... 12 ’Til FEATURING 5 JOES ★ Serving Delicious Chicken, Steak and Ham Dinners ★ Entertainment That’s Different 3403 S. SAN PEDRO ST. ADams 9177 SUNSET MOTORS 8835 Sunset Blvd. ★ The Strip's Finest Cars ★ CR-5-2437 Louis Vitagliano Dave Wright THE GLEN Cocktails • Atmosphere • Music • Your Host— BILL IRISH 1743 No. Beverly Glen Blvd. West Los Angeles ARizona 3-7330 Friday, February 8, 1946 Page Thirteen