The Hollywood Reporter (Jan-Jun 1933)

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Feb. 6. 1933 tiPOmrl Page Seven FEATURES THIS WEEK AS COMPARED TO 40 LAST WEEK RKO-Radio-Pathe "KING KONG* Cast: Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, Bruce Cabot, Frank Reicher. Sam Hardy. Noble Johnson, James Flavin, Steve Clement. Director Ernest Schoedsack Original by Merian Cooper. Edgar Wallace Screen play James Creelman, Ruth Rose Cameraman Eddie Linden "PIGMY" Cast: Joel McCrea Director Shirley C. Burden Screen play Felix Reisenberg Maureen O'Sullivan, Andy Devine, Frank Albertson, jobyna Howland. Director George Stevens Original.... Homer Croy. Vernon Smith Screen play Fred Cuiol, Al Austin Cameraman Len Powers "NIAGARA FALLS" Cast: Slim Summerville, Zasu Pitts. Thelma Todd, Alexander Carr. Laura Hope Crews. Rollo Lloyd, Cora Sue Collins. Director Sam Taylor Original Preston Sturges Screen Play....Wm. Anthony McGuire Cameraman Jerry Ash •PRIVATE DETECTIVE Cast; William Powell, Ruth Donnelly. Margaret Lindsay, Gordon Westcott. James Bell, H. B. Warner, Natalie Moorhead. Sheila Terry, Theresa Harris, Renee Whitney, Ann Hovey. Irving Bacon. Director Michael Curtiz From story by Raoul Whitfield Screen Play Rian James Cameraman Tony Gaudio SHORT SUBJECTS EDUCATIONAL UNTITLED Cast Harry Langdon Director Arvid Gillstrom Story Dean Ward, Willaim Watson Cameraman Gus Peterson •HOT HOOFS" Cast Moran and Mack Director Harry J. Edwards Story Ernest Pagano, Ewart Adamson Cameraman Dwight Warren "DECLASSEE" Cast Ann Harding, Joel McCrea Director E. H. Griffith Screen Play Jane Murfin, John Balderston Universal 'S. 0. S. ICEBERG" (In Production In Berlin) Cast: Gibson Cowland, Leni Reifenstahl. Sepp Rist. Ernst Udet. Walter Riml. Director Arnold Fanck Story Frank Wead, Arnold Fanck Cameraman Hans Schneeberger "KISS BEFORE THE MIRROR" Cast: Nancy Carroll, Frank Morgan, Paul Lukas, jean Dixon, Gloria Stuart, Walter Pidgeon. Charles Grapewin. Director James Whale From play by Ladislaus Fodor Screen Play Wm. Anthony McGuire Cameraman ._ ...Karl Freund "COHENS AND KELLYS IN TROUBLE" Cast: George Sidney, Charlie Murray, Warner-First National "ELMER THE GREAT" Cast: Joe E. Brown, Patricia Ell/ Frank McHugh. Emma Dunn, Pri ton Foster, Berton Churchill, Jessie Ralph, Lloyd Neal, Charles Wilson, Sterling HoUoway, Claire Dodd, J. Carrol Naish, Gene Morgan. Director Mervyn LeRoy From play by Ring Lardner Screen Play Tom Geraghty, Whitney Bolton Cameraman Arthur Todd "THE LITTLE GIANT" Cast: Edward G. Robinson. Mary Astor, Helen Vinson, Kenneth Thomson, Russel Hopton. Shirley Grey. Donald Dilloway, Louise Mackintosh, James H. Doyle. Director ..Roy Del Ruth From story by Robert Lord Screen Play Wilson Mizner Cameraman Sid Hickox "THE MAYOR OF HELL" Cast: James Cagney, Glenda Farrell. George Pat Collins, Arthur Hohl, Sidney Miller. Director Archie Mayo From Play by Iselin Auster Screen Play Edward Chodorov Cameraman Barney McCill INDEPENDENTS HAL ROACH •FRA DIAVOLO" Cast; Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy. DenKing, Thelma Todd, Henry Armetta, Jimmy Finlayson. Director Lloyd French Screen Play Jeanie McPherson Cameraman Art Lloyd BURTON KING •DEADWOOD PASS" Cast: Tom Tyler, Alice Dahl, Ed Cobb. I. Wilsie. Carlotta Mont, Lafe McKee. Director J. P. McCowan Original Sally Winters Screen Play Oliver Drake Cameraman Ed Kull TIFFANY-KBS "A STUDY IN SCARLET" Cast: Reginald Owen, Alan Dinehart, June Clyde, Anna May Wong, Alan Mowbray. John Warburton. J M Kerrigan. Director Edwin L, Marin Story --Robert Florey Adaptation Reginald Owen Cameraman Arthur Edeson HAL ROACH TAXI BOYS SERIES— UNTITLED Cast Ben Blue, Billy Gilbert Director Gus Meins Story Staff Cameraman Art Lloyd RADIO-LOU BROCK "BRIDGE COURTESY" Cast Ely Culbertson Director Murray Roth Story Stanley Rauh, H. W. Hanemann Cameraman Jack Mackenzie HEADLINER SERIES UNTITLED Cast Eugene Pallette Director Ray McCarey, Edward Eliscu Story Maurie Grashin, Jack Townley Cameraman -Ed Cronjager TEC-ART "HOLLYWOOD ON PARADE" Voice of Hollywood Series Cameraman Otto Himm Director Louis Lewin