Home Movies (1942)

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HOME MOVIES FOR MARCH PACE 111 ing released by Castle Films for owners of 8 and i6mm projectors under the title "Russia Stops Hitler." This is said to be the most realistic filming of actual large-scale battle action that has come out of the wars. Soviet fighters are shown in furious bayonet charges against the enemy, and German divisions and their equipment are shattered by blazing artillery. The mechanized phases of the Russo-Nazi struggle are seen as tanks thunder into action and as planes strafe the retreating invaders. The biting winter and its effect upon ill-equipped Germans is seen as prisoners, many mere boys, shiver in captivity. Stalin gathers Russia's might in Red Square just before sending his armies into battle. A picture of great historic value. FlashiGordon ^ ■ : j Available on rental basis from Bell & Howell Film Libraries in principle cities is a 1 3 -episode serial, Flash Gordon — each episode z reels in i6mm sound, running time approximately 23 minutes. This new "Universal" serial is another classic modern fairy tale, so widely popularized by the "comic" strips. The scientific , super-man of the future is able to ward oflF death-dealing planets populated by Lion Men, Hawkmen, Monkey Men, Shark Men, and by the weirdest aggregation of dragons and other animal life ever imagined. Actually, little-known living beasts from Mongolia, India and South America play several of these animal roles. Space ships reach cities suspended in air, "Hydrocycles" approach these that flourish beneath the sea, ray guns, rockets, atom furnaces, liquid fire, radio telescopes and many other wonders are featured. Step Forward "Step Forward" is title of the first of a series of two-reel Keystone Comedies now being released in 8mm. exclusively by Cope Studios, 3720 So. Figueroa, Los Angeles. Many old Keystone Comedy stars, prime favorites in the silent days, highlight this rollicking slapstick fun film including Ben Turpin, Phyllis Haver, and others since forgotten by Hollywood. In "Step Forward," Turpin is the Croi9 Senior Rewindi Craiq Jyitior Combination Qraiq Junior Splicer Xroi^ Senior Combination Croiq De Iwic Brwindi CRAIG MOVIE SUPPLY COMPANY LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA • SEATTLE, WASHINGTON • SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA S4y Q£ PHOTOHOOdS.. get the BEST BALANCE of picture-taking LIGHT/ LAMP LIFE and color temperature Lamp life, light and color temperature move together in balance. If you gain on one side you lose on the other. That's a fact checked by 60 years of lamp-making and research. So General Electric controls this balance of light, life and color to fit your needs best . . . and gives it to you uniformly, at low cost, in G-E Mazda Photoflood lamps. GENERAL ELECTRIC MAZDA PHOTO LAMPS