Home Movies (1942)

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/or y^our 8 mm and 16mm projectors! BOSKO /N 200 Ft. TOO Ft rnbe. ^ comica <.„ J^e second re pro 100 Ff I a; 50 ft 'I'"'" IN THE AIR WITH THE R. A. F. No. 628-B A compelling aviation documentary of British Royal Air Force flyer in action, showing various types of British craft, cadets' first attemc at fonmation flying, etc. 200 Ft. 16mm S6.00 100 Ft. 8mm 3.00 HOLLYWOOD FILM ENTERPRISES, INC. • 6060 Sunset Boulevard FREE! — LATEST CATALOGS . . . LfStirg all r*e«esT a'^irrared cartoons and ottier subtects available frora Hol'r"Ood Rim Errerprisej. Write for your copy today! HOLLYWOOD HLM ENTERPRISES. INC. MKO SMset Bl*d.. Hollywood. CalH. je^'fe— err : P esse send '^e yoLr NAME