Home Movies (1942)

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PAGE 306 HOME MOVIES FOR AUGUST WILLO NO. 88 SPOTLIGHT Regular $1.75 Clamp modol for use with No. 1 photoflood lamp. $1.40 REELS AND CANS 8MM., 200 FEET 52c (or the combination 16MM., 400 FEET 69c for the combination WILLO TRIMMING BOARDS A well constructed trimmer, with a keen sharp blade — built for lasting use. 8 in $2.40 10 in $2.80 12 in $3.60 Mail Orders Filled 110 West 32nd Street, N. Y. World's Largest Camera Store Built on Square Dealing Established i«9« to me By CiNEBUG Shopper Frame Enlargements A new service to 8mm. and i6mm. movie amateurs is available through the Superior Bulk Movie Film Co., i88 West Randolph St., Chicago. It consists of enlarging frames of 8mm. or i6mxTi. black and white or Kodachrome film to album-size prints. "EnlargoPrints^" as they are called, are z"x2y/' for 8mm. frames and zY/'xyY/' for i6mm. All that is required to order EnlargoPrints is to send a section of film at least 6" in length with the frame desired to be enlarged properly marked on margin of film. Enlargo-Prints are offered at $i.oo for 8 pictures (2 prints each of 4 different frames) or 2 single prints from any one frame for 30c. Processing Service ESO-S Pictures, 3945 Central St., Kansas City, Mo., announce that they have been licensed by Eastman Kodak Co., to process all types of double 8mm. cine films including their own versatile line of seven emulsions. Another recent announcement by ESO-S is the addition of a new film — the seventh — to their group of reversible 8 mm. films and trade-marked ESO-C. This is a new monocolor emulsion in a warm sepia tone for all double 8mm. cine cameras. Price of $1.30 per spool includes processing, slitting and return on projection spool. Chemical Fade Fromader-Genera Co., Davenport, Iowa, have placed on the market a new prepared dye trade-marked Genera Fadeout for making chemical fades in 8mm. and i6mm. films after exposure. Solution is prepared from the dye, placed in a bottle or other tall container and the film immersed slowly then withdrawn. Fade results from impregnation of dye in emulsion of film. Price of Genera Fadeout is $1.00 per bottle. Filter Data Chess-United Co., Inc., Emmet Bldg., New York City, announce distribution of a new brochure entitled "A New Era In Filter Photography" which contains not only information on how to use Omag and other filters, but the latest exposure factors for Agfa, Defender, DuPont and Eastman films. Brochure is available free by writing directly to Chess United Company. Modernize A complete modernization service is now available to owners of Filmo "eights" through Bell & Howell's factory at Chicago which enables Filmo owners to acquire special camera features ordinarily available on new models but curtailed because of war production. Among the features which can be built into most Filmo "eights" at the Bell & Howell factory are windbacks, frame counters, critical focuser, modern exposure guide, and alteration of filming speeds. For further information write Bell & Howell, Chicago, 111., or their nearest branch office. Filming Ideas Unprecedented demand has made a second printing necessary on the two new booklets recently offered by Ver Halen Publications — "50 Ideas for Filming Children" and "50 Ideas for Vacation Films." Each booklet sells for 25c and is crammed full of plot and running gag ideas that will furnish incentive for filming the baby or one's vacation trip this summer. Booklets are available from dealers or direct from the publisher, 6060 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood. Auricon Licensed The E. M. Berndt Corporation of Hollywood announces the signing of a license agreement for the manufacture of Auricon i6mm. "Talking Picture" cameras and recording equipment under patents and inventions of Radio Corporation of America, General Electric and Westinghouse. This patent license agreement is said to cover all equipment bearing the trade name "Auricon" even though purchased before the new agreement was drawn up. TO OUR READERS We will appreciate calling our attention to any misleading claim made by any advertiser in HOME MOVIES whose product or service proves unsatisfactory. Should an article prove other than advertised, or if a service is not prompt, immediate notification will enable us to enforce upon the advertiser necessity of adjusting his product or service to the maximum high standard of quality required by this publication of its advertisers.