Home Movies (1943)

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HOME MOVIES FOR MARCH PAGE 69 NOW YOU CAN OWN SYMBOL OF OUR ARMY" A Stirring New Film See on your own screen the thrilling and timely action story oi the great military college and what it means in peace and warl Hi Lere is West Point as seen from the inside . . . made under the supervision of West Point authorities! Stalwart young Americans engaged in the serious business of training to lead men and win victories! See the course of instruction that has turned out such brilliant generals as Grant and Lee, Sherman, Pershing, and MacArthur! See West Pointers toughening up with sports . . . painstakingly learning lessons in the classroom . . . putting those lessons to actual tests in mimic battles! See them cross rivers in assault boats build bridges amidst explosions ... fly fighting planes against realistic gunfire! Here is the picture that tells you why the U. S. Army is ready for the tremendous struggle in which it is engaged. Own this movie! Thrill yourself, your family, your friends! SEE YOUR PHOTO DEALER OR SEND THIS HANDY ORDER FORM TO HIM TODAY! ORDER FORM ■ Please send the thrilling movie, "West Point, Symbol of Our Army," in the size and edition indicated. Name Address City State. HM-S 8 mm. □ 50 feet . . . $1.75 □ 180 feet. . . 5.50 16 mm. □ 100 feet . . 2.75 □ 360 feet . . 8.75 □ Sound 350 feet 17.50 RemlMinci ••cloud □ Still t.O.D. □ Send Castle Films' FREE War Film Catalog □ Copr. 1943. Castle Films. Inc.