Home Movies (1943)

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HOME MOVIES FOR MARCH J/ you want a FILM to dhow . . . . . . here's news of timely subjects for home projectors PAGE 72 BUY WAR BONDS New Features for Your Filmo • If you want features offered by newest Filmo models which your dealer can't deliver immediately, chances are that B&H craftsmen can add them to your present Filmo Camera or Projector. New "Modernization Folders" give details and costs. Ask your dealer or write, staling your Filmo model. Use This Timely NEW SERVICE • If you own a Bell & Howell Camera or Projector, you have something that might be difficult to replace now. So you'll want to take especially good care of it. Do this with assurance and economy by using our new Standard-Price Service Plan. See your dealer or write for prices on the three classes of our new, economical, maintenance and repair service. Bell& Howell Company, 1825 Larchmont Ave., Chicago; New York; Hollywood; Washington, D. C; London. Established 1907. PRECISION-MADE BY West Point — Symbol of the Air is Castle Films release for March. Picture takes spectator into class rooms and laboratories of ^*rest Point and stirring scenes show cadets in drill and athletic activities. Cadets are shown crossing rivers in assault boats, building bridge under fire; flying planes against gunfire and practicing earnestly all the fighting tactics necessary to modern war. "W est Point — Symbol of Our Army" available at photographic dealers in the following sizes and lengths: i 6mm. ico ft. headline, S2.75; 16mm. 360 ft. complete S8.75; 16mm. 350 ft. sound S17.50; 8mm. 50 ft. headline Si. 75; £mm. 180 ft. complete, S5.50. Catalogs and other data are available by writing Castle Films, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York Citv. The Real Caribbean is a new 16mm. sound release by Bell & Howell's Filmosound Library, which reveals the importance of this area in the defense of both North and South America. Revealed are the resources, life of the native population, social differences based up on economic rather than color lines and the reflection of European colonization. Photography is good and the sound track up-to-date. Available in one-reel, color or black and white, sound or silent, price for color is S60.00; S36.00 for black and white. Rental is at the rate of S3. 00 for color and S1.50 for black and white prints. Further data available from Bell & Howell, 1 80 1 Larchmont, Chicago. Better Films, -42 New Lots Ave.. Brooklyn, X. Y., will, effective March 1 st, include without charge with all rental 16mm. sound programs, the two most timely pictures of the year — "Target For Ton ght" (5 reels )and "Listen To Britain (2 reels). For th; 1943 seascn, this concern reports they have set aside more than one hundred excellent features and are offering them at reasonable rental rates. For further particulars cn rentals, write th:m for their free Victory B Bulletin. Friends of the Air is a one-reel documentary on bird life available in either color or sound from Bell & Howell, 1801 Larchmont, Chicago. A film of more than usual interest to educational institutions and lecturers on nature subjects, it is superbly photographed and complimented by an interesting sound narrative. Studies include the robin, wren, bluebird, brown thrasher, cardinal, jay, nuthatch, catbird and others. Prints may be purchased at S60.00 for sound or S3 6.00 for black and white, or they may be rented at rates of S3. 00 and S1.50 respectively. Six-Shooter Mickey is one of the most popular of the new series Mickey Mouse animated cartoons released by Hollywood Film Enterprises, 6060 Sunset Blvd.. Hollywood. Mickey is the dash • Continued on Page o; New "Professional Jr." Tripod Worthwhile 14mm. filming, whether silent or sound, requires a sturdy yet versatile tripod built along professional lines. The new PROFESSIONAL JR." is built to precision standards, weighs but 14 lbs. Friction type Head gives super-smooth pan and tilt action. Spread-leg'' design assures utmost rigidity and quick, positive height adjustment. Camera platform takes EK Cine Special, B&H Filmo, Bolei or Berndt-Maurer Cameras: also adaptable for 35mm. Eyemo, DeVry, etc. Used by the U. S. Gov't, leading 16mm. producers and newsreel companies. Send (or literature describing 14 features thoroughly. CAMERA EQUIPMENT CO. 1600 Broadway New York. N. Y.